lolz you forget Shadow Escape as +100 chi. and sure every class need chi/sparks to secure the kill so thats like free CC and High Damage Skill for sin while other class need 'extra work' for chi in the first place is that your point ? and now with passive buff yes I think sin is broken even more in fullbuffed Sin tank. Sin…
Nice music. -half HP Undine + spark + xpoison + BT still kick *** I think. -mortal rev This NH update is simply destroy all magic caster look at sin, barb, BM.
Glacial Snare of course **** plz that "Clickering sound" and that Spike Launching sound so Bad-A$$
Demon: (4) hailstorm 50% paralyze emberstorm 50% stun / FrzFlame 60% stun Sandfall 33% paralyze Stone rain 20% stun Sage: (3) hailstorm 33% paralyze FrzFlame 50% stun Sandfall 20% paralyze Morai wiz CC: Blinding Blaze paralyze every 10sec (1spark) Tactical Rev I think you are gonna miss Demon Hailstorm after switching into…
Not completely agree with that, while sage get better (somewhat) benefit with frozenflame, demon get better benefit on chi management with new Glacial Embrace. that will include demon wellspring-quaff use more rapidly. and gaining faster access to 3sparking. -chanting which is sage don't have any access on these. sage…
oh cmon man. I thought it was broken or damaged. this layout is not better, is not even fit-in either. What is wrong with PWI forum b:surrender b:chuckle ah yeah I think, no white-color-text would be better get ANOTHER color asap
Holy shiet, color look PALE. fix it quick I know it's broken. OMG .. lol!!!
What if the most wanted PVP class? f:laugh Sage DPH sin > all class that is my trully honest opinion b:cool
Glacial EMBRACE!!!!! :RAGEEEEE!! b:cute
I think it will yeah very good vs Fish class Deaden and Tidal Protection from sin, agains Tidal Protection : having 2 chance of CC ing is good (Slow and Stun). 1 miss, maybe the other land nice then. Against SoR from Psy , has Anyone try it to SoR Psy? in my logic the Slow will be reflected but the Stun will hit. because…
it seem like that's gonna be an opener skill not a finishing skill !@#$ that fish class get the best new DPH skill then, not us b:shocked
why not our ultimate that get merged? lol I mean we wizard are suppossed to be a mass destruction class. :( we miss that da-Boom aoe damage from long time ago:'( anw, really nice job reworked those Shields. I'm really curious bout it.
Good use of Soporofic Whisper. yeah, Nice vid dude. b:pleased
me kind of confused here, we got attack lvl and defense lvl, we got slaying lvl and warding lvl and now we got Spiritual Warfare.. Attack lvl means -> multiplier of Attack same as slaying in PvE Defense lvl means -> multiplier of Defense same as warding in PvE How About Spiritual Warfare? What kind of "Multiplier" is that?…
okay thnx for replies!!! b:kiss jade is beyond my limit. So citirine all the way.
oh, yes that is it.. thx dude
this oops, so it didn't exist in pwi? I didn't know about that
Can anyone get a video of some PvPs there? b:thanks espeacially sin, it seem this class get hard buffed. 1 more CC skill and base physical + 750% weapon + 14k damage that sound really insane to me to be honest
:) well that is exactly what I think about.. :( undine 27Meters(why no 30 m? meh). elemental shell, 4 sec , 4 element. really really hard to belief it's used for defensive purpose. and the other skills: how come skill that really have long cooldown give less effective result? (you name it) b:infuriated b:chuckle I mean…
ouh maybe it's because there isn't Sage sandstorm yet.. b:shutup I answer it myself. anw Nice Post everyone thx for the thread b:thanks
I really love it. this is really interesting. b:laugh and I found something about wizzy skills pict here skill 1 is frost-flame (glacial+ember) skill 2 is pitfall+sandstorm or something and okay great…
Interesting. vids please b:chuckle Psy vs Wiz I've seen vids from Adroit(Wiz), Bezmor(Psy) and yeah.. it is more interesting watching end-game gear vid 1 v 1 b:chuckle cmon
no, you will have 2 icon of hf , I already test it with my BM alt. it cannot be purged <-- yes, indeed b:victory
2nd vid wher R u Adroit , I can't c u b:cry
Wizard buffed with Glory and Rebirth expansion f:cute Ice prison sound pretty nice to me. but NO, not enought, We Want More BUFF!! b:angry (RAGE) hellyeah
Adroit and Bait b:dirty
b:laugh Approve!! b:laugh
*reading* O__O go Adroit go f:sneaky :D
yea I think tactical rev restricted only on World Map is really uncool. b:laugh I want to spam it on NW, TW, or maybe bring back someone while just leaving instance or Town Portal, or using NPC teleporter . lol just for fun. b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh
I have a question about AFA. b:cute 100 dex genie. how much is the reduction? how much is amplified damage? (the side effect) anw, I found something interesting with expel and arcane defense. maybe it is funny, I got attacked by a sin , and then somehow arcane defense active while I expel myself. so SEAL is gone, but…