spiritual warfare in new expansion, more OP and expensive than R10



  • Posts: 312 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Did Bubbles talk about this already f:poo
    I am A True Tsundere
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  • Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Do the card sets multiply your base stats or do they just give a flat bonus to all your stats? If it's the latter, then it would actually be good for PWI, because the players stuck in G16 Nirv can farm a full A card set and be competitive with R9rr.

    The cards add stats to char, that is latter.

    also, add spirite, that is former.

    cuz the gap of S+ and A is 1.7 : 1

    so consider both factors, the total gap could be over 2 : 1

    BTW, there another card system, that is card position system

    there are 6 card positions for each char, 2 for att, 2 for def and hp, and 2 for spirite.

    u need get the soul to lvl your position . the soul is from FB19-89(maybe 79) boss. u can absorb 20 times every week.. as position is lvl, u also can get base stats and spirite.

    that system is free and all player can improve themself by farm 20 times FB (boss only drop one soul, better solo) each week.

    new FB is 5-boss FB like nirve. u can get 10-20 coins and 20 coins can exchange one C-A card pack( B-S pack need 10 gold to open). even u luckily get A card from free pack, u need thousands of cards to lvl it and reborn. so basically, free-pay player have to farm crazily new "nirve". Just thinking about farm nirve to update R9 to R9R.

    but again, all I said is pwcn, not pwi. We do not know pwi how to introduce this new expansion to here ATM.

    I hope pwi can put card-coins to NW forge. we don't want run over 20 thousands new FB to get a full A set cards. we also hope the cards are tradable at least b4 equip.
    Main Chars in tidewell:
    Attacker_V: archer
    Seraphim_V: Veno
    xNightshadowx: db
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    attackerv wrote: »
    The cards add stats to char, that is latter.

    also, add spirite, that is former.

    cuz the gap of S+ and A is 1.7 : 1

    so consider both factors, the total gap could be over 2 : 1

    BTW, there another card system, that is card position system

    there are 6 card positions for each char, 2 for att, 2 for def and hp, and 2 for spirite.

    u need get the soul to lvl your position . the soul is from FB19-89(maybe 79) boss. u can absorb 20 times every week.. as position is lvl, u also can get base stats and spirite.

    that system is free and all player can improve themself by farm 20 times FB (boss only drop one soul, better solo) each week.

    new FB is 5-boss FB like nirve. u can get 10-20 coins and 20 coins can exchange one C-A card pack( B-S pack need 10 gold to open). even u luckily get A card from free pack, u need thousands of cards to lvl it and reborn. so basically, free-pay player have to farm crazily new "nirve". Just thinking about farm nirve to update R9 to R9R.

    but again, all I said is pwcn, not pwi. We do not know pwi how to introduce this new expansion to here ATM.

    I hope pwi can put card-coins to NW forge. we don't want run over 20 thousands new FB to get a full A set cards. we also hope the cards are tradable at least b4 equip.

    If B-S pack requires a perfect iron hammer to open (it seems like it?) then it will already be cheaper in US, since the perfect Iron Hammer has a pretty low default price here.

    I guess they're trying to copy steam keys.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    so from what I can understand it seems like all of these cards give the same bonuses except different amounts (including spirit). like comparing love up and down to dominance to emperor tome...

    just curious though if any of the cards have channeling or "singing" bonus? ty b:thanks
    full r999 91% chan wizzy b:kiss

    Current build: pwcalc.com/bf1f46790766e26d
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  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Yes yes yes if there's channeling bonus I'll be happy.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Nope. Not a single one has any channeling on it. This comes from looking at each individual one. If you wanna look yourself, you'll need to keep an eye out for something like this: 吟唱时间 -6%
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I can only see what appears to be crit increase but..were you supposed to get additional bonuses based on how you place the cards? or how you level them..or..man too confusing lol.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 128 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I can only see what appears to be crit increase but..were you supposed to get additional bonuses based on how you place the cards? or how you level them..or..man too confusing lol.
    After reading through the entire thread, I've come to the conclusion that the Set effects only increase the power of the cards, and do not offer any extra effects like channeling.
  • Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Now we can see some endgame card RR data in pwcn forum (reborn two times, need 4378 exp, that mean need to feed 4378C +3S class cards to lvl your endgame card to max, it is just one piece, u need to lvl 6 pieces totally, so....b:cry )

    att +811 , so 2 pieces and full set bonus give 100% more

    so the att will be


    R9RR+12 bow is 2722-3931. So just att, bascally, double R9RR att b:shocked

    don't forget spirit affect. so final dmg will be over double.... b:surrender
    Main Chars in tidewell:
    Attacker_V: archer
    Seraphim_V: Veno
    xNightshadowx: db
  • Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    No. f:shock

    No no no no no. f:gross

  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    foley3k wrote: »
    There is nothing to discuss. It is in packs because it how PWI makes money. It is how the game was designed. I think our version will get it. Lots of people with money to spend on something they don't own. It is the next big thing to get money flowing for the company. It is their only way to survive. You can run a company selling charms and fashion only in boutique. They need to have that "want" to have the best. Easiest way to get it is to buy it.
    On most servers its who spends the most to get it first to gain bragging rights. Then someone else gets it, then another. Then its a big e-peen contest. Then its world chats of "BH SoT looking for Spirtual Warefare +12 only".

    b:laugh you got that right f:laugh
  • Posts: 564 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Power creep, what else is new, besides if they indeed have that, it`s not certain we will get it here. b:surrender

    What's this? Stats going up, paying for special gear through randomised packs through and getting nothing in return except MOAR POWER?. Oh my!. b:laugh PWI would never do anything like this amazing gear treadmills that just keep on-going up. PWI would never make methods for free-to-play players to actually gain everything normally. b:laugh That would comprimise buiness as usual.


    What's this? You're still merchanting in 2013? Not a functional auction house. Oh typical. b:chuckle
    Time won't wake/make you wiser, but it will definitely wound you.
    b i t . l y /
    I was a man of ideas and action, but at the same time a gentleman. -- S a Z T u R
    Subtly is never my strong point, but I like to find the gaps in walls and the cracks in bricks.
    Are you kind of seeing what I'm saying. b:bye
  • Posts: 308 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    As far as gear goes there have been very notable differences between us and china.
    Acquiring endgame gear is definitely one of the things they like to tweak when they import the new content for us.

    - Packs have always been much cheaper here than in PWCN so pack items are more available
    - We have cheap Ocean Orbs and access to a lot of event gold from DQ points. This makes our refines a lot higher.
    - China continue to has almost no R9 because the MoGs and chips are not cheaply available yet they are super cheap here.
    - For Summer Wind Tokens China were able to make them with a few wedding candies yet here we had to make do with a very large number of Raptures / Uncannies (which were prohibitively expensive until NW came).
    - Our R9 third cast set and G16 Nirv are unavailable in PWCN
    - We have totally different NW forges with a different set of items and much cheaper prices on mats for Nirv / R8r / Warsoul

    The first 3 points were differences in the boutique but the last three were implemented with different forges and NPCs in the actual game.

    Overall I'd say endgame stuff is more available across the board here (except Chienkun stones). If the S cards are not more cheaply available at launch they'd probably become more cheaply available in a future update.

    Lol so sad! At Forges they have orbs +5 that our GM removed, they have new instance with items that drop not bought from the Boutique like us and much more. This is the most expensive game I ever seen and there is no end game content even if you buy best gear.....
    While PWCN have fun farming , we have to open Boutique because this GM only updates what he want and benefit to his wallet.
    I will never in my life pay 50 $ for 1 ORB +10.....REMEMBER 1 ORB!!!!
    And OMG...."R9 is super cheap?" You mean 1000$ is cheap? That is why the game is like that cuz of people like you....Geez!
  • Posts: 2,028 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Lol so sad! At Forges they have orbs +5 that our GM removedlol +5 with orbs; for the cost of +5 I could +7 with tienkangs/tishas, they have new instance with items that drop not bought from the Boutique like us and much moreIf you mean hidden Dragons' Den, we have it too.. This is the most expensive game I ever seen and there is no end game content even if you buy best gear.....
    While PWCN have fun farming , we have to open Boutique because this GM only updates what he want and benefit to his wallet. GMs do not control what they update.
    I will never in my life pay 50 $ for 1 ORB +10.....REMEMBER 1 ORB!!!! Wait for a sale? Buy with ingame coin?
    And OMG...."R9 is super cheap?" You mean 1000$ is cheap? That is why the game is like that cuz of people like you....Geez!
    R9 is a hell lot more expensive in China, and there is no G16 nirvana to balance that out,
    Replies in red.

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  • Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Lol so sad! At Forges they have orbs +5 that our GM removed, they have new instance with items that drop not bought from the Boutique like us and much more. This is the most expensive game I ever seen and there is no end game content even if you buy best gear.....
    While PWCN have fun farming , we have to open Boutique because this GM only updates what he want and benefit to his wallet.
    I will never in my life pay 50 $ for 1 ORB +10.....REMEMBER 1 ORB!!!!
    And OMG...."R9 is super cheap?" You mean 1000$ is cheap? That is why the game is like that cuz of people like you....Geez!

    Honestly, pwcn is totally broken compared with pwi

    Theotically, u can farm any thing but many things are almost impossible. e.g. u may farm long long time to get R9, maybe until server shut down, u still do not farm enough stuff.

    pwcn can buy any pre-owned thing or mats through website.

    Basically, u need $10k-15k for R9 in pwcn, depending on server( they open new servers and merge old servers very frequently). pwi just sell it by about $700 now. is it super cheaper than pwcn? u can see, one char R9(not R9RR) +12 is being sold $15k on pwcn. Considering chinese income is far lower than American averagly(many ppl just earn less $500 each month, even in Beijing, like NY city, average is less $1000 each month). pwcn is far more expansive than pwi.

    If u check pwcn forum, u can find their players are totally shocked when they know R9 just sell about $700 in pwi now.

    So pwi is far cheaper than pwcn. it is true. I playd pwcn b4, I know that.

    But it doesn't mean I think pwi is cheap. paying several thousand dollar on a endgame gear is still too expensive to me. Here, as an ex-pwcn player, I just point out pwcn is more expansive.
    Main Chars in tidewell:
    Attacker_V: archer
    Seraphim_V: Veno
    xNightshadowx: db
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    attackerv wrote: »
    Honestly, pwcn is totally broken compared with pwi

    Theotically, u can farm any thing but many things are almost impossible. e.g. u may farm long long time to get R9, maybe until server shut down, u still do not farm enough stuff.

    pwcn can buy any pre-owned thing or mats through website.

    Basically, u need $10k-15k for R9 in pwcn, depending on server( they open new servers and merge old servers very frequently). pwi just sell it by about $700 now. is it super cheaper than pwcn? u can see, one char R9(not R9RR) +12 is being sold $15k on pwcn. Considering chinese income is far lower than American averagly(many ppl just earn less $500 each month, even in Beijing, like NY city, average is less $1000 each month). pwcn is far more expansive than pwi.

    If u check pwcn forum, u can find their players are totally shocked when they know R9 just sell about $700 in pwi now.

    So pwi is far cheaper than pwcn. it is true. I playd pwcn b4, I know that.

    But it doesn't mean I think pwi is cheap. paying several thousand dollar on a endgame gear is still too expensive to me. Here, as an ex-pwcn player, I just point out pwcn is more expansive.

    PWI isn't actually much more expensive compared to other F2P games, at least when you take into account money/time. The only reason it's "expensive" is because it's extremely hard for a F2p player to farm decent gear fast, thereby forcing EVERYTHING to come from the CS, whether directly or indirectly unless you play for YEARS.

    When I played -removed- (which is probably the most similar game to PWI in structure), most people were shocked when I told them how expensive PWI was. Yet the best endgame gear in that game costs $1000+ if you just cash shopped - it's just not complained about as much because everything is easily farmable with effort in 2 months.

    Overall though, when you consider how long it actually takes to farm endgame gear in PWI completely F2P, it's actually not expensive after factoring in time. PWI is a game measured in years - if you take a 1 year shortcut, of course it's going to be expensive.

    In *that other game*, the most you can do is take a 2 month shortcut, because that's how long it takes to farm endgame gears f2p. So it doesn't cost as much, even though it's just as "expensive" as PWI when you factor in time spent to actually acquire endgame gears.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Just sounds like more junk that maintains a huge gap between normal, new or farming toons and those with disposable incomes. I stopped spending real money on this game over a year ago. And refuse to spend more. I'm done with it. I think of all the money I have blown in botique and on packs. Added up, the most I've ever spent on any one game. And for what.
    Honestly, the most ridiculous thing I've ever done looking back. And still just average at best. Unless you have no life and devote all to farming, you may end up with decent gear, or spend money. The gap is so huge already it makes this game unfun and boring.
    You'd like to think that you can hang in there longer then 1 second. The prices for refines is insane. Prices for gear is insane. Everything in this game is priced through the roof and only getting worse. Tomes? Are you kidding me? 200m? 400m? Are you crazy?
    Shards you need and DoD/DoT is unaffordable. After 3 years, I'm thinking it's about time to check out other games. I don't think there's really any way to hang in there or compete on any level without spending way too much real money. I'll buy a race motor before I spend thousands on a stupid viseo game.
    In the end, it will be a handfull of over-geared cash shoppers (or the really old players that got hooked up before the hyper inflation) with empty villages and no new players.
    That's too bad, this was a really nice, innovative game with good content and stellar graphics.

    Bored and Driven out
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Just sounds like more junk that maintains a huge gap between normal, new or farming toons and those with disposable incomes. I stopped spending real money on this game over a year ago. And refuse to spend more. I'm done with it. I think of all the money I have blown in botique and on packs. Added up, the most I've ever spent on any one game. And for what.
    Honestly, the most ridiculous thing I've ever done looking back. And still just average at best. Unless you have no life and devote all to farming, you may end up with decent gear, or spend money. The gap is so huge already it makes this game unfun and boring.
    You'd like to think that you can hang in there longer then 1 second. The prices for refines is insane. Prices for gear is insane. Everything in this game is priced through the roof and only getting worse. Tomes? Are you kidding me? 200m? 400m? Are you crazy?
    Shards you need and DoD/DoT is unaffordable. After 3 years, I'm thinking it's about time to check out other games. I don't think there's really any way to hang in there or compete on any level without spending way too much real money. I'll buy a race motor before I spend thousands on a stupid viseo game.
    In the end, it will be a handfull of over-geared cash shoppers (or the really old players that got hooked up before the hyper inflation) with empty villages and no new players.
    That's too bad, this was a really nice, innovative game with good content and stellar graphics.

    Bored and Driven out

    It's actually not hard to farm +8 refines every 2 weeks, if you have even half decent gear, without even merchanting. That's a full set of +8 gears in 4 months (which I admit, compared to other games, is still very long).

    The problem is that to play PWI for free atm you need to understand how every event works, how to make money from them, and also how to spend that money in an efficient manner. The ability to farm good gear is there, but it's hidden behind a lot of mechanics and hard to obtain knowledge that casual players don't have time to figure out.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 8,680 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It's actually not hard to farm +8 refines every 2 weeks, if you have even half decent gear, without even merchanting. That's a full set of +8 gears in 4 months (which I admit, compared to other games, is still very long).

    The problem is that to play PWI for free atm you need to understand how every event works, how to make money from them, and also how to spend that money in an efficient manner. The ability to farm good gear is there, but it's hidden behind a lot of mechanics and hard to obtain knowledge that casual players don't have time to figure out.

    I think this is the most accurate post I've ever read concerning farming gear and what not.
    ★ Venomancer videos - tinyurl.com/k6ppkw4 ★ Desdi - Demon ♪ Wyvelin - Sage ★
  • Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    It's actually not hard to farm +8 refines every 2 weeks, if you have even half decent gear, without even merchanting. That's a full set of +8 gears in 4 months (which I admit, compared to other games, is still very long).

    The problem is that to play PWI for free atm you need to understand how every event works, how to make money from them, and also how to spend that money in an efficient manner. The ability to farm good gear is there, but it's hidden behind a lot of mechanics and hard to obtain knowledge that casual players don't have time to figure out.

    True enough, I've learned a lot, the hard way. And the very expensive way. Which leads to greater frustration. And it's not like I havent done the right things, paid my dues or spent way too much real money in this game. I never power leveled either.
    Game wise, I'm fine, I'm talking about PvP and PK. This was my first ever MMO so I came from a mind set of skill based versus cash shopped game play. In multiplayer FPS, it's usually skill and intuition that dictates victory. Not, oh I'm higher level then you, so I win. Or I cash shopped insane gear, therefore I, an inferior player wins.
    This at it's core was a major hurdle for me to overcome in MMO. And it's wearing thin, that's all. PWI must do something to equalize the power gaps, entice new players, maintain existing players or it will die like all the rest. Only the hardcore group remaining. And hardcore because after all these years and countless dollars spent it's hard to let go of the investment. To move on. All those hundreds, or thousands of dollars gone. So it begs the question, are you prepared for the cost of hanging with all that remains? The well geared hardcore?
  • Posts: 2,585 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    True enough, I've learned a lot, the hard way. And the very expensive way. Which leads to greater frustration. And it's not like I havent done the right things, paid my dues or spent way too much real money in this game. I never power leveled either.
    Game wise, I'm fine, I'm talking about PvP and PK. This was my first ever MMO so I came from a mind set of skill based versus cash shopped game play. In multiplayer FPS, it's usually skill and intuition that dictates victory. Not, oh I'm higher level then you, so I win. Or I cash shopped insane gear, therefore I, an inferior player wins.
    This at it's core was a major hurdle for me to overcome in MMO. And it's wearing thin, that's all. PWI must do something to equalize the power gaps, entice new players, maintain existing players or it will die like all the rest. Only the hardcore group remaining. And hardcore because after all these years and countless dollars spent it's hard to let go of the investment. To move on. All those hundreds, or thousands of dollars gone. So it begs the question, are you prepared for the cost of hanging with all that remains? The well geared hardcore?

    I actually consider time/money spent on entertainment time well spent. Unlike other people I dont dwell on regrets or missed opportunities.

    I've played this game since the launch of HL server, and I've also quit many times without ever regretting it. I DO come back occasionally if only because this is one of the few games with almost limitless potential for advancement. Every other MMO you can get to endgame status in a couple months - you farm to basically be as good as other players. In PWI you farm to be "better" than other players.

    In PWI farming/spending cash/merchanting, etc, all buy you, in a sense, "tangible" power, in that those who actually farm more/play more get a real advantage over those who don't. Can that be enjoyable? Sure. Otherwise why would people play MMO's instead of skill-based games?

    Don't get me wrong, I like skill based games too, I play LoL/DoTA (plat 3 on LoL just playing ranked casually), as well as shooters, but MMORPG's are a different mindset entirely, and PWI is a whole 'nother jump above that.

    I replied to the 7th topic on the 1st page of mystic forums, and got reported for necro. Plz save mystic forums.
  • Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Does anyone know how this cards are obtained ? what instance has card drops ? world bosses, TT bosses, NV bosses or what ?
  • Posts: 1,400 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    freygin wrote: »
    Does anyone know how this cards are obtained ? what instance has card drops ? world bosses, TT bosses, NV bosses or what ?

    New instance and event.
  • Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    ok we need this too
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    phy att 54615-62659
    mag att 8602-8602
    att lvl 123
    def lvl 83
    crit rate 64%
    hp 33750
    phy def 35614
    mag def 30268
    spirit 1010

    me kind of confused here,

    we got attack lvl and defense lvl,
    we got slaying lvl and warding lvl

    and now we got Spiritual Warfare..

    Attack lvl means -> multiplier of Attack same as slaying in PvE
    Defense lvl means -> multiplier of Defense same as warding in PvE

    How About Spiritual Warfare?
    What kind of "Multiplier" is that?
    or maybe is it "all-stat multiplier" type?
    and is it affect damage only on Player enemy?


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