moretokun Arc User


  • Its really not that hard to find most mobs you tend to pass by them on the way to getting the quest, like yesterday i had two quests that needed me to kill some mobs and since i was flying low enough to see the mobs on the way there i knew i just had to walk out of the town a bit to find them, easy as pie. There will be a…
  • It would be nice to have your wings out all the time, instead of those weird hair-wings they have currently
  • Im unable to log in the game it says that my version number is too low or something of the sorts, and if i try "Verify" it just ends up crashing when trying to update element.exe some help would be nice since the CB is only a week and id like to try all the classes a bit first
  • That clears up alot and helps with a begining build for me XD but im just slightly confused on the PW-En name to the PWI name but thats translation error right? but for what i understand the scythes are next to spears. . .?
  • What is sp as ive said before ive never played any of the other versions so i dont know most of the abbrivations, but you dont know much overall about scythes?
  • Okay so which weapon i were to use if it falls under the same category wouldn't affect the stats too much, like if i were to use a scythe instead of a polearm?
  • Ive wonderd how many characters we can make during the closed beta, because ive never played any other PW versions before and i want to give some of the classes a try and mess with the character creation some to find out just what i can do with it ^_^