What time did servers go up
I downloaded the manual patch and when it went to update it gave me an error message and stopped the update can someone help me please iv been have trouble with this all day so far
same thing on the elementskill.dill some one know whats going on
well its still in the works so hopefuly they will work it all out i like this system
I sold my DQ items hours ago and still cant redeem them for anything is there something im doing worng or is there a bug in the system?
Ok thank you for the info I will try to check her genie and the rest of her gear tonight when we try again I will post what I find out and again thank you for the info.
my friend runs a veno and she has been wanting to tame the frog and for the last 3 times that me and her have went there there has been another veno that has managed to tame it with full HP every time as soon as it appears. I have heard of tameing pets with full HP but form what I understood it was a rare and hard thing to…