mop Arc User


  • it's could be that I'm in a dorm...I can't access the default gateway from my computer so I can't actually get into the router to open the port....although my laptop firewall settings would allow it...I'll probably have to contact the web admin, though I can't see the high probability of me convincing him to open a port…
  • yup I'm directly connected ---high speed, the servers are Lost City and Heaven's Tear.... both the program and port are on my firewall exceptions
  • hmm well the patcher works and installed perfectly, it's just when I click start and the client starts running the server list doesn't show ping or status and when I put in username and pass before it even verifies it says "cannot connect to server" in less than a second for both servers
  • nothing helps...while I have downloaded the patch sucessfully when I try to put my log in both servers show no ping or status...anyone know how I could isolate the problem to networking or the computer itself. I live in a minor us territory that wouldn't be banned would it? Is there some place I could give my IP address…
  • this same problem except open beta has now started....the patcher.exe works fine just when try to log in less than one second both servers cannot connect. I live in a minor US territory...the Virgin Islands, tried I've tried all the suggestions I've found in the forums, any new ones?
  • if you can update the client automatically with the patcher...should you be able to reach the server?
  • I have this problem connection is from a college dorm..
  • yes I have the same problem too...does it have anything to do with locations?