mikki#3401 Arc User


  • Perhaps, the main reason is this: https://support.arcgames.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1775/~/multiple-accounts-connecting-from-the-same-network PWI doesn't know how to handle LAN-networks, so GMs don't allow those players to play, nor to keep cat shops. @"kalystconquerer#0876" btw, regarding your (and entire pwi…
  • Hello! It's been a few days this NPC Treasure Merchant Nosta has been missing on server Dawnglory. I saw it present on other servers. Hopefully its being taken into considerance for next maintenance.
  • dear @heero200 1. i submitted various tickets trying to get an explanation from them 2. i talked live to an advicer many times and they keep telling me to update my current ticket which ends closed each time. 3. e-mailed PWE directly various times. I have tried, as you well can see, all of the above. I wish my ticket were…
  • @"kalystconquerer#0876" Please, have a look and contact me when you can.