meshktenye Arc User


  • Minor edit and bump
  • QUOTE: "In that example, what exactly is the split? Is it 7300, 6200 or 6750?" The most conservative way to answer that question is to use: The lowest Sell price - 179,900 The highest Buy price - 176,200 And therefore, 179,900 - 176,200 = 3,700 split This is a HORRID split and i would NEVER recommend anyone trade gold at…
  • For any new player this guide is indispensable. Thanks Maiira. Hay Mai - when u gonna update it with 70+ info? Your friend, AllThat - see u in game.
  • Just made a slight edit so I can bump this guide up.
  • I wrote the Advanced Money Making guide a while back, you might want to take a look at it.
  • I actually addressed this very subject in my Advanced Money Making guide (Shameless Plug b:laugh). Due to the rarity of water quests, I don't recommend leveling water pets up. It is much better to just tame whatever water monster is available in the area of your quest when you need it. Taming pets near your level is one of…
  • This is one of the easiest quests in the whole game, but there is a secret. Wait untill you get to level 30 to do it when you get your wings. b:laugh Seriously, it is not part of a chain so it does not matter if you do it now or later.
  • Not sure why, but nobody has read this post. If you like it please bump it so it stays on top for a while and others can read it. Thanks.
  • Pick only one character, preferably your main character, and level all of that crafts on that single character. Let's say your veno is your main and your cleric needs some armor. Have the veno craft the armor for your cleric and just mail it to your cleric. 500 coins per item - not bad - and it arrived in about an hour. I…
  • I just wrote a guide on Advanced Money Making. As a lvl 32 veno I already have a little over 3000 SoF/PF, and anticipate having all 9999 within two months using the methods I detailed. I also plan on getting a nix a few months later and a Kowlin. And as I made clear in my Gold Trading Guide, I don't spend any real world…
  • I don't know - I've never been past room 4.b:chuckleb:chuckle
  • [QUOTE=Aadi - Lost City;6987131 Edit: It used to be there, but I don't see it anymore. Hm. b:surrender[/QUOTE] That was the first place I looked - and you're right, it is no longer there. Any other ideas?
  • Are you an archer? Sorry, archers run out of mana needed for flight real fast in the early levels. The only real fix for this is to wait a couple levels and try again.
  • PWI did an update/patch fix. That is the message you get when this happens. They do these updates about once a week. Just log in again and you will probably be just fine after your computer downloads all the new data.
  • Illusiva, I want to apologize - I had misunderstood your input originally and I now understand what you were saying. You are absolutely correct in what you are saying. Further, I have added a new paragraph to my original post and given you the credit.
  • Thank you for not passing judgment on me, I honestly appreciate that. I do not apologize that I have never spent any real life cash on this game. I'm sure many elderly, and/or disabled people on fixed incomes, as I am, also appreciate that nobody passes judgment on us. And yes, there are many elderly and/or disabled people…
  • I'm sorry, and I don't mean to insult you - but you are absolutely incorrect. 1) Look at my example - I have never used any "cash shop" currency to Gold Trade 2) I have never bought gold with rl (real life) money 3) My example clearly points out that you can start with only about 330,000 in game coins to purchase a single…
  • Thank you Maiira for pointing out an important fact i forgot to mention. Of course it is quite possible to make good coins as you have suggested. I was merely attempting to explain the mechanics of the Gold Trading market and give a clear example of how it was possible to very quickly make a good profit using a method I…
  • "So... how do you pick your buy and sell prices when you have a good split?" Just don't get too greedy. If you are looking at the Gold Market and the numbers are changing rapidly, and there is about a 30,000 split, then it is probably a good time to start trading. Using the numbers from the Gold Trading website: 1) The…
  • Ah so that is why - no i am lvl 76 at the moment. I got another question. I made some apoth spirit defense and physical defense charms. They say 33% protection, but do not say how long they last, and there is no way of telling when they "run out" or "tick". They don't fit into the utility or normal charm slots. I used a…
  • So why did it just start happening recently? - I've had this same video card the whole time I was playing the game for about a month with no problems whatsoever. Then suddenly - a few days ago this started. Nope - cant be the video card. I'm sure its not my computer - at least not the hardware. I know I just need some kind…