mei Arc User


  • @ the offtopic omgfavoritism stuff -- Just so you guys know, ... being a Moderator is nothing even remotely close to being a reward. It's painful. Very. =( (In my experience .. at least >.>) Ontopic xD -- I'd kind of hoped for some sort of a reward for CBing but it's really besides the point >< CBing (IMO? =[ ) is meant to…
  • I don't see why this particular modification should be illegal .. it's just a simpler way out than having to redo all of the editing & saving a new .ini. I.E. -- you do what was explained earlier, the result is MOD.INI. Or, you do it the long way and pick a new body, redo all of the customization .. resulting in NEW.INI.…
  • lol @ FlyFF, that game is so cash-shop-centered it isn't even funny. Somehow some of my friends love it though, and have stuck with it .. but farm for ingame $ in order to buy CS items through other players. Anyways, CS has a huge potential for payoff if you can find the "right price." .. Otherwise, why would most games…
  • ... And just a random note on the whole Untamed: Barbarian / Venomancer thing ... I still think MY's Werebeast / Werefox sounds better ... =\ Barbarian & VM have this negative connotation, making it seem as if characters with that race/either of those jobs are inherently evil or something. Maybe it's just me, though. >_>
  • I only got to like level 3 so far (haven't had much time to play).. but I've already run into a lot of changes from MY that I don't really understand. Some things could've been left the way they were but.. eh xD I guess I'm being too picky =x Doesn't seem like there's any sort of "CB bugs/dialogue errors" forum to discuss…
  • lol, one reason I was excited upon hearing about PW-I was that I would finally be able to use the CS directly.. but with these prices I'd rather stay wtih PW-MY or quit. Same prices would be nice, slightly lower prices would be even nicer but I won't push it. But just a note to the admins - I doubt that high prices would…