marydeathstorm Arc User


  • lol And you make me feel like dancing! b:chuckle Happy Valentines Day Arch! b:cute
  • Aww, f:grin you have The Loveniss! & What a great picture of you two! Thank you for sharing your story with all of us
  • My toon is a whole month old now, can you believe it? They grow up so fast! Seemingly random things that I've come to enjoy? Watching PKs in HT.. WC nonsense.. Player Names...Which btw my mad props vote goes to Sutter Cane!!! Fun fact: I finally have my two genies at my level. My Two Genies sounds like the next big pwi…
  • Lets just leave this place, and go to Summerland. Just a name on the map, sounds like heaven to me. f:flower
  • f:cute Its alright So check this... I did some of those free zen things over the weekend and thats a pretty sweet deal for someone like me who doesnt have stacks to throw around, right? Then I was wondering how often things change so I looked at it again today and there were different options. Heck yeah I did some more!…
  • How could this be Are you not a dream I look at the world You are all that I see When did our reality bow and recede Allowing us freedom to finally breathe Our bodies reawakened Now its time to feed These colors none has witnessed Envelop you Envelop me May I keep you in my locket My most treasured being To never leave my…
  • Under the Sea Couples Retreat Keep your chin up
  • TYVM! :) Ok as I was saying Im, clearly, new here and decided since Im starting to do more squad type things, that it was time to give a shout out to my server so Hello lovely people! Before jumping into the game I was stalking these bords and knew instantly I was ment to be a psy because honestly, how could I not spend my…