I just feel that when you sit down, you should still move a bit for breathing animations, like the way you sway a bit while standing. Now I understand that this is jut a translated version, but in the original I think it would be a good I idea as well.
Zen you buy with real life money and it buys you extra items you cannot buy with in-game cash called gold. Zen items usually aren't essential to game play but at some point they do come in handy.
Go for PvP [Lost City]. Its fun
Make a market place in the forum
I dopnt really understand the stat levelling up, so I guess Ill do the "odd level:3str 2con even level:3str,1 agi ,1 con" one
Aw ****; school starts the third; Im gonna have no time to play!
Wait, so whats Bramble Guard do?
My face is lumpy and theres a bunp on the back of my neck. That CANT be right
Four for one. Got it. Thanks.
Well I think the other fonts looked better, but these are fine, I guess
There's a little x looking button in the bottom right hand of the screen. Then there's what looks like a compass. Press those. And this belongs in the N00b section
Change for what? Its not like mmorpgs ask for you sexual oriantation, so how could being **** affect your gaming?
I have a quest to go to BlackSmith Yu in Plume City, but there's only a Blacksmith Yi
- may still have some, too, not sure though, but I got mine there
I have a new computer and games always play very well, but only when I turn Best Performance on, does it actually work well. I mean, it works okay, but the Best Performace makes the graphics look like shiat. There's gotta be something, you can do about that
My guess is, I have no idea. Not to long, most likely, though
Theres a button in the bottom right corner that lets you exit to the desktop
Nuu, Im sorry, but Im still really confused :/ I dont CHOOSE do download it to WinRAR, it just does, so getting FlashGet wouldnt do much, right? And I dont remember ever downloading WinRAR in the first place, so I cant REdownload it. Right now Imdownloading the whole client over again from some server in France since its…
Well how do I get that, and then how do I use it?
I keep trying to unzip thefiles and all I get is a WinRAR Diagnostic box saying that "[file name].zip: The archive is either in an unknown format or damaged" Ive been trying for around 3 days now to download this thing and Im trying to stay home tomorrow for this thing, but if the download doesnt work that will have been a…
I downloaded that 7-zip thing but when I go and right click my ZIP file it doesnt show up. Now what do I do then? I installed the thing and everthing :confused: