lotharsmash Arc User


  • noone stood INSIDE the towers or turrets as your calling them... the mass of the genesis players were standing within 5 meters of each other maybe 10 at most and right between your HQ and front middle gate so their catapults hit your HQ thingy and not the towers or turrets whichever you choose to call them. they werent…
  • Why would you flame the Genesis guild leader when he is making a clear and non hostile post? Please stop flaming people thats so rude.
  • Stacking people on top of each other isnt a glitch or bug bro. Thats totally legal and any GM that reads this will back me up on that. The code of conduct for the game doesnt say anywhere in there that players have to use single target spells and skills to kill people 1 at a time when a tank is hiding inside the middle of…
  • They killed the guys inside the catapults guys but didnt kill the guys outside the catapults... why are they whining about the guys IN the catapults if they killed them?
  • Crash I believe I remember you saying you took pictures of what Genesis did? I saw a video of the battle and they had alot of their people huddled around their tanks... not all of their catapult tanks were in the catapults some were actually hiding INSIDE other players... thats not a wrong tactic though because you can…