losttoast Arc User


  • Well my friend... you have won this round. That reason, along with QQ'ing in game is the only reason i came over here to post. lol >.>
  • That means your suggesting players have control over the game past what they are given by the creators. You don't own PW, therefore you have zero control over the direction it takes. OUTSIDE of paying money to further it along because money is what moves everything. The only true control players have are to play the game…
  • They DO have control, they have the power either to get over it and push forward, or QUIT. One way or the other, you aren't going to change the Dev's minds. Unless this game crashes. Then the game will come back with new promises and end up right back in the same spot. PW may be a game, but PWI is a business. How hard is…
  • This has been said over and over. Nothing is going to change until people ban together and stop buying zen. You and i both know that will never happen. So what is there to moan about? PW Is a great game regardless of what there selling in the cash shop. I'm SICK of hearing about the anni packs in-game and on the forums.…
  • I'm going to take this time to write my first post on these boards. Even though I've been playing this game for months. I just have to say this. 1.)YOU ARE ALL WHINERS. 2.)GET OVER IT. 3.)STOP QQ'ing. 4.)NO AMOUNT OF QQ'ing IS GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING. 5.)DEAL WITH IT, OR QUIT. SIMPLE