lipe124 Arc User



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  • The prob with the veno is the pet skills and skill levels. Also things change a lot as the levels get higher. Veno pets can aquire rare skills in the dragon palece event such as a skill that increse ur pets atk by 60%(at lvl 5 -which require lvl 80 pet) for a hour. and there is always the ripping bite bug that i guess…
  • The thing is air pets where never intended to be used on the ground, so no one bothered to code them pathfinding. There is no obstacles in the air after all. The best/only solution is to use your flying mount and atack the monsters from the air - just be ready for lots of spam pm's about you cheating and going to get…
  • Its a character preset for, you know those quickset basic models in the top right corner of the char creation guide. One of those models has the tentacles, you just need to choose it.
  • I got in a huge fight the other day with some really clueless girl goin off on pk'ers in PVE. I really don't see why the hell ppl see fit to judge other ppl's actions when it has nothing to do with them If you dont wana pk turn the damn protection on and go about your life ><
  • Stop mashing the "next" button and read ur quest info when ur new to the game.
    in Bug!! Comment by September 2008
  • So its pretty clear from the responses that the ppl against this is just plain uninformed, claming things like veno's have it easy bla bla bla. Sure its easier to lvl60 but then when all the other clases have fun zhen parties and gain 4 lvls a day no one thinks about the veno's that get shunned from those parties and need…
  • Losing track of the issue here... The server is at gmt-7 and its on time more or less. The hou jensi quest has nothing to do with TW. The issue is that the gap between the server time and european based timezones is just WAY to big. 5hours is something we can try and work with, but 9 hours is ridiculous.
  • I totally agree with you there, I've known a GM on another "illegal" sever and we tested these features. The rightclick on a players name and "report bot" I think it sais causes a little popup on the gm's screen similar to your [!] for party/friend invites. And has some info on who you reported and where they are I…
  • I remember in my-en I could stack eunice 2x.. well it happened by accident and I ended up with 2 eunice quests in my list XD I'v never heard of this error message tho, and I take eunice almost everyday at exactly that time because im 7h ahead and both mid day and midnight server time is either 9am or 9pm for me.
  • its not that expensive, depending of how much u screwed up. But you can buy the CS gold in the AH, in heavens tear I see prices like 120-300k per gold. So for a 5point change u'd pay 240-600k. Servers barely went up tho, why would u need to restat at such a low lvl?
  • Its when u turn on your "fashion" view with no fashion equiped.
  • I was also looking forward to the arena event, but when i realised it starts at 1am my time I just gave up. Its even worse now that I hear its not even there at all. I think horse races was cancelled on the other versions cos there was some easy way to exploit them or something, maybe until a fix is implimented no one gets…
  • well duh the server is at "pacific time" i beleive and we europeans/africans know it at gmt-7. Where europe and surrounding areas are gmt+0 -> gmt+3 that means that the 20:00 war is 7-10 hours later for us meaning its 3-6am in the morning here then. Pretty neat huh, who wants europeans here anyways -team america!!
  • Rofl Anyways there is a GM button u know, just press it.
  • haha me too! 2008/9/9 10:29:45Verified files=./data/ 2008/9/9 10:29:46Verified files=./elementclient.exe 2008/9/9 10:29:46Verify files fails 2008/9/9 10:29:46Download file=./elementclient.exe 2008/9/9 10:33:10Verify files fails 2008/9/9 10:33:20Download file=./elementclient.exe 2008/9/9 10:34:11Decompress files…
  • Thats NO sfx zip file or it would have had the winzip icon. You downloaded a virus or something similar. Use the proper download from the website and things should work better. And since uve done that make sure you have some kinda anti virus on ur pc ><
  • What I don't understand is that I've got 2 internet accounts, one with internet soultions and another with saix (the two local internet acompanies). My saix account has a 1gb cap so I don't want to use that for updating but it has much lower latancey than the IS one. However the IS account doesnt patch.. how can it be? It…
  • there is no "file" run the launcher and it should auto patch, unless like me ur internet sux and it doesnt XD
  • .gr is an illegal server thats pretty much dead. .ms is the multilanguage offical european one that still needs to enter CB. When this goes OB pretty much any and all europeans will quit pw-int I guess.
  • Yes you can buy npc items up to lvl 96. (you just need to travel to higher lvl cities for it)
  • Its obviousley not PW that *blocks* ur msn sounds. If i turn my msn sounds on they work fine. Soemthing is up with your msn I think.
  • its ur pc, I've copied the game to another machine and ran the game with no prob at all. Check that the folder isnt read only for some weird reason, that would be one explanation for ur problem. As for why you cant connect to the server after the copy I ahve nooo idea, it has to be a firewall issue.
  • bwahahhaa how did u manage to get the my-en client from the pw-int site?
    in Help! Comment by September 2008
  • then idk, i hate the msn sounds and mine is always off anyways.
  • I'm guessing here but im going to say u need at least a lvl50 barbarian to tank the final boss and a army of elves to res/heal. cos the boss has a massive aoe that knocks out the healers. Then u need loads of archer to pummel the boss while u tank it. Btw its eaier to pull the boss to ur starting location at low lvl to…
  • +200 = no glow Like moyles and julio said: Weapons: need 3 STARS(blue), Twilight temple(green), Molder(yellow), rank 8 military(orange) - i think. Equipment: Need at least TWO lvl 5 soustones
  • Lol, because msn has a setting "when other fullscreen apps run set my status to "busy" " and in "busy" status the sounds are disabled automatic. So play windowed or turn of that option.
  • The old single core 3ghz cpu's struggle with this game, I've had the same issue on some of my older pc's. You could of course try updated gfx card drivers, if you havent already.
  • yea the thing is, i kinda like playing with ppl from usa. Don't feel like playing with a lot of ppl that cant even read english.


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