lazerray3 Arc User


  • Its nice to see that the Ecatomb site has been at least salvaged, although there are a couple of broken links in the "links" section. The links to the Database and Calculator currently don't work, and hopefuly you keep the site going, or make something better. Ecatomb was my first choice in looking up things for PWI since…
  • The devs need to do more bug fixing, its annoying to have a quest that can never be cleared off the list. I have completed just about all of the new quests since the expansion, except for Disabled Man's Story due to the missing NPC. As for Astral Shard, I have yet to get those items, but at least I know what to do with…
  • The turtles and pigs are worthless for Venomancers, who use pets in combat. Most Venos have between 5 to 10 pet slots, at least one is reserved for a mount the rest tend to be used for pets that can fight. I agree on either changing the NPC price to something better, or make them less common. Another possible idea is to…
  • Another idea here, is to get the offline portion of Relm of Reflection working, that way you can use it with out having to be online, this will make it useable for those who can't leave their computers running PWI overnight (Like those with laptops or possibly shared computers).
  • I completely agree about shutting Duke up, the spam is irritating since its mostly people who buy a ton of the current packs of random that happen to be on sale. I don't care that "RitchBasemantDweller" just got a ton of items because he bought who knows how many packs, that is not anything to be proud of, things like…
  • This would be a very useful idea, just as long as the pet food crafting is actually doable completely in game, for those who can't use the cash shop for anything. Currently I only carry the Pure Water (the low tier water) as a field use pet food and I only buy the Sesame Oil (the high tier water) when I need to fix the…
  • Part of fixing the loot drop system is to increase the rate for crafting mats, that way people can either craft items to sell, or just sell the mats for desperately needed coins for skills and equipment. As of right now the mat drops are so rare it caused their prices to be so far out of reach for anyone to get what they…
  • VenusArmani - Dreamweaver - The server I'm on no mount is cheap, I refuse to get any mount that is less that speed 10, the TB quest line is done and all the coins I got from it when into skills and equipment, I started college with no money to begin with, farming mats is impossible since greedy paid players take all of…
  • If all you paid *** holes want me to shut up about mounts in cities, then one of you send me a mount with a base speed of 10 so I can beat you cheating *** holes when going after the herbs in the Tiger event, or the devs break the event up so you have to choose one of the three options and only one option, kill the tigers,…
  • laloner - There are things such as gear and skills that give you speed boosts, learn to combine and use them, they just don't work against the damn mounts since the greedy *** holes all use the base speed 10 mounts. With my current gear and my level 2 speed skill, I top out at 6.7, this is due to my base speed being 5.1…
  • I used the Shift click thing, but that doesn't work for the cheating **** during the Celestial Tiger Event when trying to gather the Tiger Herbs, NO ****ING MOUNTS WHILE IN THE CITY! Having to switch back a forth with Performance Mode is annoying any time I go to Arch, and this is the only city in the game I have to do…
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver: I'm not Free-to-Play by choice, I'm forced to be F2P since I have no money and the job market in my area is severely lacking, so get off your damn mount and stop trying to ruin the game for those who are forced to be F2P, not everyone has an endless budget to be able to get what they want, I'm sick…
  • If you look at post number nine in the "A way for developers to remove lag from Archo" thread, you will see my opinion about mounts in cities. Link to that thread: They are lag inducing, they are huge, and they are a cheat for the Celestial Tiger Event since a lot…
  • One way to lower lag is to disable use of mounts inside the cities, plus as an added benefit it will force players on even ground during the Celestial Tiger Event when collecting the Tiger Herbs. The lag in Arch is so bad I have use Performance mode while in there yet every where else its fine, I blame the damn mounts,…