See what i mean? Dustin falls under the "12 year old" section, as you can see because i made a serious, mature post and he responded in his normal demeanor "Lol fail troll yeah lol rofl pwn lolol". Yep.
Sadly PvE servers are more popular in this version. LC is the only real pvp server here... HL is just like, the poser offspring that collected all the fails, 12 yr olds, and failed carebears. PvE servers are in general a better experience. More mature community, fairer prices, more skilled people willing to pvp, a high…
Harshlands is the newest PvP server and it fails. Its very underpopulated. People on PWI version like their PvE.
New server will be emptier then harshlands
New server is gunna be emptier then Harshlands is. There really wasnt a need for this.
Sure smells attn ***** in here.
inb4 its a flop and fanboys worldwide are disappoint.
Yeah ill prolly just make a tideborn alt on LC, to PvP when and if it happens. Most likely ill be too caught up with [removed] to care tho.
Yet they still sucked. /case rested
The reason HL sucks so much is becuz they took an already low population game with 3 servers and turned it into a low population game with 5 servers. Most serious Pk'ers were already on LC. HL was/is just composed of the leftovers from pve servers rerolling PvP thinking theyre good.
I swear HL forums are trolled by a bunch of kids with downs. You fking repeat and reuse the same **** over n over n over n over n over n over. THink of some new ****.
Most Claw archers i know dont wear heavy armour, and instead use hh99 LA (Derp attack speed increase). But hey its PWi what can you expect.
All wrong. Its Escobar's old weapon.
I find it funny ascii is trying to call DK a cash shopper, when he in fact oracled 95-100. GG
Ok so lemme get this str8... Ascii is "REALLY GOOD FRIENDS" with DK, yet he posts and puts on blast what he PM'ed (PRIVATE MSG'D) you? Awesome friend bro.
Doesnt the same rules apply to HT and Nurfed in KD? K now goto bed troll.
I heard that was sum bullsh!t. and if this is the case then i guess half of QQme's accomplishments are null and void becuz they've been banned too. (Not to mention they **** pretty much everything for gear)
And you also suffer from the Crimson god-complex; Who the hell are you to tell me i'm imperfect? Go back to PvE'ing and stop posting on these forums, some of us find the flaming and raging entertaining.
Good post, except or the fact you try and make yoursel feel important by being the highest lvl on a sub par server. You're just as bad as the rest of us.
No, Seraphim said it. You guys suffer from the worst god complex. Notice how Crimson always get rowdy when they have an ally? They cant do shi.t by themselves.
This sounds exactly like what kingdom and crimson were saying at the start of the server. "Ohhh LastStand Is sooo desperate they gotta make up **** blah blah blah". I think everyone forgets what Crimson is. "We will leave Land for lowbie factions, once we own the map." Quote from crimson at the start of the server. Idk if…
I'd like to see them take land from Crimson or Kingdom. Doubt they could do it. They are good at world PvP and thats it.
For some reason we had the excelent idea of "avoiding the towers, theyre just stun towers after all". We actually got to the crystal and damaged it, QQme didnt.
Well, all i gotta say is Crimson is spot on for defense. They know what to do and when t execute it. It was a good fight and i hope to come back one day and be able to beat them. As someone said after the TW: "Crimson is good in TW , they know this. So we should not be disrespecting them, we should show our enemy respect…
Gold prices are so high because of an increased demand for gold due to multiple events. What really kicked it all off was the Oracle event. The GMS do this on purpose. Shi.ttier game economy= more people just buy gold with $$$. Only way prices go down is if people stop buying gold for so much. But that doesnt seem like its…
Your right, QQson will continue to eclectically choke on each others di.cks, going against the whole reason QQme was spawned.
Well in that case, Kylin shouldve fell apart by now. Same with Crimson at the peak of the QQme kos.
Honestly, you're both just Crimson trolls ji.zzing yourselves to this. "OMG Another Opportunity to blame some **** on Kingdom!1111". Any logical thinking person would know that if Kingdom did this, it makes no sense at all. It doesn't benefit them and if you use your brain, it actually hurts them. Crimson and Kylin benefit…
Ok ima feed the troll. If Big Bad Kingdom played a role in this why the hell would they do it now? It just makes no LOGICAL sense (yes i know trolls dont use logic). They dont border kingdom. IF kingdom did this, why do it now? Why not wait until QQme Bordered Kingdom and they were about to attack? Doing it now makes…