NOTICE: New PvE server with Rising Tide!



  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Gonna love this =3.
    Sure I'll be playing on San mostly, but this is gonna be love.
  • Posts: 2,187 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm sticking with Dreamweaver because now there will probably be less rolling a TB on there and I can send stuff from my uber rich Veno....unless there's going to be inter-server exchanges then I might change my mind in the next 6 or 7 hours. b:mischievous
    Non-mule characters:

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]....and Drazomyst.
  • Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    First of all i was about to change server if a new PVP server was coming. as we hv 3 pve and 2 pvp was expecting another PVP.

    Seriously guys I see no point of playing PVE---duel ftw?
  • Posts: 403 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Are you serious....I mean HL is no where near full, DW has a decent population which means there will be either

    A flood for people in the new server


    No one at all....

    And there might not be a constant flow of players on the new server and God knows what else....

    Good job people...Good job
    Most Ironic phrase in the English language is Common Sense, its easiest concept to understand yet few people ever grasp it.

  • Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    O.o i know some people coming back to pwi for the new race...which means more people are gonna be at the servers.
  • Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    staying with mah char server is pointless and i dun wanna be poor all over again on my psy

  • Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    There has been a lot of talk about new servers; if we're going to have them, when we're going to have them, demands for us to add them.

    But now we're proud to announce that there will be a new server coming with the expansion!

    The new Raging Tide server will be a PvE server.

    It is named (if you couldn't already guess) after the newest city being added with the expansion.

    The Server clock on Raging Tide is going to be set to EST, which will give us an even 3 servers for each time zone!

    Rise from the depths! Because I sure as heck know that I will!

    >.< Thats not fair there should be PvP many PvE serversb:surrender
  • Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    >.< Thats not fair there should be PvP many PvE serversb:surrender

    How about this? Once you hit 30, just go white-named and stay that way 4-EVAR. Instant PvP for you.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    PWI knows how many users are logged on Dreamweaver and know that there will be an influx of new players coming.

    I am sure their team has thought about this for the EST zone and realize that HL is still low pupulated and safe for overloading but Dreamweaver is to close and will be pushed over the edge.

    Congrats carebears on a new playground. Now you all play nice in there. b:bye
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Posts: 2,187 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    >.< Thats not fair there should be PvP many PvE serversb:surrender

    Common sense would tell you the reason is because the PvE servers are getting full. If all the PvP servers were full, they'll add another PvP server.
    Non-mule characters:

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]....and Drazomyst.
  • Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    That's sorta unfair. They have like 3 PVE servers already. Why can't it be PVP?

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Wow new server @__@
  • Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    IMO it should have been PvP....but it will be good for some...I guess b:surrender
    It should have and would make a lot more sense IJS
    That's sorta unfair. They have like 3 PVE servers already. Why can't it be PVP?

    I don't care.
    Keeps me happy, everyone should do it.
  • Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Who knows, if the GM's get enough feedback about people wanting a new pvp server instead of a pve server, they COULD change it before launch.
  • Posts: 1,776 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    im actually quite upset at this

    new server means all this is to fund for the server

    -more sales
    -new packs
    -more ways to reap in $$$ for PWE

    this means no stable economy, good bye to the dreams of even 200k per gold

    hope your all happy.........
  • Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    :O Can't believe it. Thanks, probly switching over to that server
    Ill get real about training once i have a fraction/ new classes pop up
    Im looking for a fraction
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    That's sorta unfair. They have like 3 PVE servers already. Why can't it be PVP?

    Harshlands is the newest PvP server and it fails. Its very underpopulated. People on PWI version like their PvE.
  • Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    How about this? Once you hit 30, just go white-named and stay that way 4-EVAR. Instant PvP for you.

    ya i will opt to stay 30 in PVP server rather than u killing more and more mobs even after lvl 90 b:shocked

    and also pvp requires skills not only cash.
    b:angry and i don't find any player of PVP server raging on u guys so hope u don't do it too.

    We r just saying why a PVE server.
  • Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    sweet. a PvE server gives more options. you can PK if you want or just grind and do quests. Dreamweaver is getting packed. Im glad they chose PvE.
    Raging Tide here I come. not much lag and all new chars. sweet.
    Important things to remember:

    1) Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

    2) If at first you don't succeed, failure may be your style.

    3) If your going into an fb and the BladeMaster screams "LEROY JENKINS" as he runs into the cave, leave the party. It's only going to get worse from then on.
  • Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    (>O.O)> kirby is suprised but anyways this means alot cheaper gold cause no one is gonna have 400k on the new servers to buy even one gold at that price. but im not leaving my server too much memories plus i have too many people black listing me to leave i love the quiet b:chuckle
    ty Nowitsawn

    Everything has its beginnings, but it doesn't start at one. It starts long before that... The world is born From zero. The moment zero becomes one is the moment the world springs to life. One becomes 2. 2 becomes 10. 10 becomes 100. taking it all back to one solves nothing. so long as zero remains... One.. Will eventually grow to 100 again.
  • Posts: 720 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    eh, was bound to happen, sad we got pretty much lied to right and left..
  • Posts: 1,465 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    eh, was bound to happen, sad we got pretty much lied to right and left..

    Lol true, but it was for a good cause. Thank you GM's b:kissb:cute
    A good moderator should:
    - Have the computer skills necessary to handle forum-related tasks (Web skills, basic programming)
    - Be patient to handle all sorts of requests
    - Be level-headed to keep discussions and some petty squabbles in check.b:cool
  • Posts: 2,187 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Common sense would tell you the reason is because the PvE servers are getting full. If all the PvP servers were full, they'll add another PvP server.
    That's sorta unfair. They have like 3 PVE servers already. Why can't it be PVP?

    Non-mule characters:

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]....and Drazomyst.
  • Posts: 757 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I am amused that all the typical trolls on these forums kept flaming people asking if there would be a new server. Just goes to prove that being rude and unnecessarily cruel to strangers for no reason whatsoever besides to hurt their feelings can come back and bite you in the **** b:chuckle

    On the flip side, I guess they were just pretending to know everything based solely off the fact that spoons said he saw no immediate need for a new server.

    Kewl for new server. Im definately gonna roll on that sucker, I missed the opportunities with the others due to my stubbornness. Sanctuary is flat out boring as hell, being on the same server for a year is about enough I'd say.
  • Posts: 2,187 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Good news: New server to keep those who keep asking for a new server quiet.

    Bad news: It's just a PvE server so all the PvPers are QQing and flaming anything PvE. (At least the immature ones are anyway)

    Another good thing though is at least the new server would be full of TBs and there won't be as many TBs on the older servers.
    Non-mule characters:

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]....and Drazomyst.
  • Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    eh, was bound to happen, sad we got pretty much lied to right and left..

    It's not like this was the first time. b:chuckle
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Awesome news... now east and west have balanced servers... thank you... tho u guys made me prepare for nothing on a half empty hl server..b:angry...

    guess its time to "Start over a new leaf" b:laugh tho now ur makin decisions even harder as to which character i shuld play... bad enough with the psychic and sins i dunno if i shuld roll something other then TB becoz i think everyone will b TB there haha
  • Posts: 151 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Resolve guild will be moving to the new server.. check out our site and join us early!

    I Have to say didn't see this coming and was also getting ready on the HL server.. this change is welcome in my book!
  • Posts: 2,187 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    riddiculus wrote: »
    Awesome news... now east and west have balanced servers... thank you... tho u guys made me prepare for nothing on a half empty hl server..b:angry...

    guess its time to "Start over a new leaf" b:laugh tho now ur makin decisions even harder as to which character i shuld play... bad enough with the psychic and sins i dunno if i shuld roll something other then TB becoz i think everyone will b TB there haha

    Your name is ridiculous. b:chuckle

    Play both a sin and pyc. b:victory
    Non-mule characters:

    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]....and Drazomyst.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    its my forum name... ehe.. come join me in da new server n i will let u in on my secret identity b:sin


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