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  • b:cute Can you make me one plz. One with Wigit style. [Blademasterone] and put Conqueror with flamez style in either red, blue, or yellow. b:bye Thanks before hand.
  • HOLY COW!!! Why all the **** happens when i'm not around NOOOOOOOO!!! >< Pandora add me to friend list. PM so i know when you frapping i want to be part of it. PD: once more. ARA MARRY ME!!!!! lol
  • Ara marry me!!! Unlike most players you don't take a dead seriously, kind of me. ;) Btw gratz of fisrt person to hit lvl 60. <3 Hope there are more ppl like you in PW. Either enemy or friends i can appreciate good sportmanship.
  • Here some pics. Hope they are in good quality me too lazy to waste extreme time on forums.
  • awww WTH i wasn't in any on the scenes. Unluckly part of the cut out scenes =[ I though you would frap that part after that guy loses the axes where 12 RQ are standing same spot and i scream SPARTANS!!!!! and rush alone into the mob. :cool: Well nothing to do. I guess i can't help it.
  • NOOOOOOO i wasted my personal time to read this. >< Old news: People bragging about killing players of less level or classes weak to them. People bragging about their "group skills" when its clear they outnumber the enemy. ( I feel this way about the video, you guys all got hiero, i understand, but for some reason your…
  • i'm so looking foward appearing on the video. lol me too lazy to make my own. :rolleyes:
  • lol HUGE FIGHT under 2 min of the fight in video (edited stuff out?) and all we sasw was what? some few conqueror and like 2 ramdom ppl which i don't know yet.
  • Peace and Love! Thanks for the free advertising, keep it up. Conqueror will be proud to be in each one of your edited videos. : ) Btw, so far only fair video i have seen in the whole spam is Dayzd vs MAck [5stars 4 U:cool:] The rest.... Well, we not paying for the adds so don't worry. Conqueror doesn't mind looking "weak"…
  • In Oracle there was an update that introduced LOTS of new mobs into the map. Thes emobs were all elite. The idea of a 4th class related to new mobs to capture wouldn't be that hard to acomplish. In the other hand adding more territory to the PW map. :eek: I wanna see that.
  • OHH GOD!!! someone actually crazy enough to bring up this topic!! :eek: lol As usual i just read the fisrt page, me dun like public forums for more than getting quets/armor info. All i can say is that there are few "big-looking" guilds. Yes big looking. I want to believe no1 have actually paid the gold to make a guild lvl…
  • ZZZZ 22 pages and i had only had to read page 1 to know all the rest fo it was ppl flamming both conqueror+rq and rq trying to make excuses. Nice screenshots, hard to make excuses from any point. Anyways CLOSED BETA IS OVER post something new =]
  • Wow I Dun Even Haf To Rid All Dis. Awsum U Git Sum Gud Pages Of Ppl Dizcusin Abut U. Lolez Conqueror Powar>
  • :rolleyes: i LOLed when i saw this post. Fisrt of all RQ can't do much if you dont give them attention. If you doing a quest you can: 1.Let them kill you, go to town, come back and finish. Pissed off kids get bored when you don't give them attention so they pick on someone who will talk to them/fight back. 2. Fly/run in…
  • I played as a lvl 43 venomancer here for the fisrt time and i got right into the room number 6. The mobs were immune to damage so i sent pet and check for damage. I was like WTF!!! The mob hitted my golem lvl 43 for over 113K dmg in a single hit. [No Magic] then i ran cuz i feared for my life and the mob missed me. After…
  • This is a freaking closed beta!!!! Characters are most likely to be wiped out after it's over. Nobody on their right mind would attemp to get to lvl 100 so that character get erased after a while. Reward based on level is the only way to go. 1. Players will try to get level up. 2. Once players get to a certain level (And…
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