New server wouldn't help, it would probably be ignored. Merging all servers would be a better option, but that would be a temporary fix. What pwi needs to do is: 1. Update the game's engine, too much lag exist in this game. 2. Adapt the strategy of some private servers, i would give out a code, redeemable once per account…
@teabagg by your logic my alt is lying to me too, cuz my alt cleric got some nice chest, packs and ag in mail and main did get anything and while i dont charge gold as often as everyone else, when i do, i use my main.
No one listened when i told them before, but i urge u to listen, leave and never return
For me PWI stopped being fun a long time ago. Im actually shocked by the outrage now seeing the direction this game was heading. Truth be told i was thinking of joining a bigger faction that did UP. DH more often. What i hate is that my undergeared alts wont have anywhere to go, but im still not upset, because it pwi.
I had to go back through the post to really look at the rewards again. All this hype over a new expansion and this is it.The mount dont even look badass enough for me to want it.I guess ill do it for avatar cards. I really was expecting something massive with all that's been going on forums as of late. Seems most of the…
@blazerboy i wouldnt mind if there was a solo version for our current instances.
did you guys work out the sky levels his title mentioned that too
yea 2x years sounds about right
@aetje i think you're missing the main point of all of this. I dont think f2p people have a problem grinding or working for their gears, i have never had that problem. The problem is the nerfing of the contents that we used to use to make that coin. TT is dead nowadays a catshop would only buy gold mats, so in truth you…
@limit1 bms will never be DD with current set of skills even if r9, our role will always be hf unless by some chance another bm around then the weaker one hf, also dont just tell him to be r9 alone and win the game, just r9 and I a nv3 bm can easily kill you. Be r999+12, sharded and not just any shards either def or attack…
@tolots i think he is referring to coinsinks. Basically many of the people who cry for coin sinks are people who already have OP gears(basically intense pvpers), which in some sense is true. e.g The person who i quoted is literally end game geared person: g17 wep final cast rb2 NP only thing i couldn't check was glyphs.…
@mynamewasstolen your post may be true but if players were to use the information you provided about dhd and upd, i think they would be more depressed than before. Now let's be real about UPD and DHD; only certain non r9 classes make it into those squads(TT server perspective). Venos, bms will get lucky, most squads want…
@ironpwner i agree with you and since u mention f2p ill add and say as a f2p myself i sometimes want to charge gold, of course with the conversion rate when i spend like $1500 im only getting 10 gold, now i have no issue with this, in fact i have no issue charging that 1.5k either, my issue is that 10 gold wont even put a…
@"yayoblow#4632" and then what u go waste all that on a game with a swiftly dying population. Plus as i mentioned what next to do pve not pvp
@sontzu if you read though my post you would see where i was more pushing for more pve content or new ways to farm. this is my current setup personally i think as a f2p player ive done okay, but no where near good enough, im not really asking for freebies, but a way to get there.
@sontzu you know i always had a problem with people who complain about spirit and sky levels. You see im a time vs money type of guy, but not everything has to be bought. You made reference to people who get gear but still die, because they lack everything else, im now going to ask, what about those people who have done…
@sontzu i agree too with the farming aspect of it i also agree with @ailiadrake that it shouldnt be easy. I personally believe we need to revisit the time vs money concepts. i wouldnt mind farming 1pc or r9 gear per month or 2months if it was possible. The problem is pwi has completely nerf farming and they keep adding…
@laiwaisan well sir im not on the wrong server, i started on sanctuary and lucky for me LC was merged into us, so timing isnt a issue. My main concern is population and server merge or simply revitalizing pve are the two ways i think pwi could address this.
@iamnotnormal someone suggested in a next post and ill suggest the same, i think we need a solo version of UP, FSJ, UCH and DH that way we dont have to worry about unfair people. We should also have unlimited entries per day. I think what pwi needs to do is bring back the time vs money theme that we were once used to. JOJ…
@orangeitis maybe im missing the whole point of gaming, but if i were a newbie and i found out what i would need to do to make coins in this game i would quit instantly. JOJ maybe the only true way nowadays, but considering what it would mean farming jolly old jones, one may be better off just staying overtime at work,…
@"Sarrafeline - Sanctuary" my post isnt about a lack of players doing events, its about a lack of players overall. We need to be realistic. One server would make things much easier for pwi and the playerbase: 1. Less servers for the small staff of pwi to deal with. 2. More players doing instances, squads would be easier to…
@heero200 personally i think one of pwi greatest mistake is only catering for pvp, most of the issues with the server merge were related to pvp events, but when last has pwi released anything that caters to just pve. Now people will jump on and mention new instances like UP and DHD and they will also mention neverfall, but…
@"Sarrafeline - Sanctuary" i did mention having the events more often didnt i. Also @heero200 to what extent will it bring back players and also what part of it will these players stay for, because new players always return for new stuff, then leave within a week or two.
@thetruesinsz as it relates to TT, if you really think about it, how many of those pve blue names are mains. Tbh when you look around on TT the only active people left on game are the pvp people and the few who are trying to reach the pvp stage.
@saxroll tbh im not that bad a bm i can solo up to story mode natya( the one in the instance not the lame one in town), atleast i soloed mine and a fac mates own, i think most of those OP squads go crazy for GOF or just assume a r999 bm should be skillful enough to do sht.
@"kalystconquerer#0876" wow thank you for responding, ive been playing this game from 08 and there was a time when i would do anything to get home early and play. When i bought my new laptop pwi was the only thing on my mind, but i dont know it just feels like im wasting time now. This is the first time in 3-4 years that…
cant we do away with dreamchaser packs or maybe make a pack with items useful for higher level players.
and im here wondering what the heck is a kingdom