kristallregen Arc User


  • Equiqment is important in PW - it's not like GuildWars where the skill and tactic of a guild/team decides who wins. At this point GW was one of the best competive PvP Games. But it seems like Bejing plans to change a bit. The CN Version got a new Update with an Arena where player get more equal. Higher player will get a…
  • You prefer it when just 2 guilds dominate the whole map, do some fake bids, and don't fight? Wonderful...then they could remove the whole tw thing and give every player some free money - boring ... In my opinion they should do some changes on the pvp server. Otherwise the pvp on the opt server will be more interesting and…
  • How many guilds are there like RQ? We had RQ, and we had guilds like frenzey who did random pk low level player for a few weeks and then quitted or changed the guild when they got KoS'ed by any guild. And what's going on in TW? On oracle warlord controls nearly the whole map and on delphi espada and immortal which live in…
  • Have you ever played on an optional pvp server? Take a look at the ph or jp server (opt. pvp). There are more red people than on my-en (open pvp). The TW Map is much more interesting than on MY-EN (not just one or two guilds holding the whole map). The real carebeers are the big guilds on pvp server which cry for their…
  • I'll choose the optional PvP Server because I think that pvp will be more fun there than on the pvp one. When I compare the current opt. pvp server (ph,jp ..)with the pvp (like my-en) PvP and especially TW will be much more interesting there because there's no KoS which prevents people from trying and enjoying pvp.
  • Play the class you like most and have fun with it. Actually the Archer is strong, but when we'll get the new classes (have something to do with Undead & Necromancies) and the new additional skills for the current classes they'll maybe suck and any other class will be overpowered and rule the PvP - who knows?
  • Video from the JP Version (pve). Shows some of the mounts and aviations they have btw. does anyone know for what the button & interface in the first seconds is good for (the small lock on the top left)? I tried it on the jp server...looks a bit like a timer or something similar.. Maybe for…
  • Is it possible that IP blocks will be added later? In September the European version starts closed beta too (German, English, Spanish, French, Turk), so they will get blocked in the future also? mh..too bad - doesn't really look like it will be an international version
  • PvE/PvP would be bad names for the server. I think most of the people would think that pvp is impossible on the pve server. I love PvP, but would also join the PvE Server to enjoy PvP. Just take a look on the PH & JP Server (it has the optional pk). There are more red people than you see on the MY-EN Server. The problem of…