knoodles Arc User


  • how is the game going btw ? i went back to an old MMO i have been playing for 4-5 years. and got into a new one that OPen beta just finished PVP is fun there especialy when the opposing faction tries to gank you with 4 and 1 runs away after i killed 3 of them >_>b:angry
  • Waa what about lil ol me, been away sooo long i see all the old PW players have left :(. Meh i miss people on Sanctuary but the game really pissed me off. I'd like to add BattleTami and Sugar_HK to the list as great clerics. and boynxtduh is **** >_> *Knoodlepot*
  • Hmm cos the post is 'The most hated PKer in Steel..' and he/she is not in Steel b:shutup Damn guys the poll is ''The most hated PKer in Steel..'' not who is the worst in grammar spelling or who's a nob or prick . b:angryb:angry I hate Other most cos he PK'd me 1063's in 1 day. b:surrender
  • Aww i hope i'm liked b:thanks I am nice and i help out alot. is a shame people hate Steel cos you have personel probs with some people. b:cry But i get along with all factions, i do Rebirth with Nef and leg. I have nothing against factions just members that are complete twats. I hope you all be nice to me in TW and DT…