kingofhatred Arc User


  • My scans are reporting nothing. Which means...I think anyway... Its gone.. Which also means..hopefully...when I download PWI tomorrow when I wake SHOULD launch without a hitch..hopefully. Wish me luck.
  • Dream is correct. It could have been locked after the OP... I just wanted to inform my friends. I only reposted to tell that it was my fault and I will hopefully be returning to PWI once I get this virus out.. backdoor.win32.poison!IK Can't keep it out...
  • Hi Im having a similar problem and figured I would post my log here. I get the BSOD after about 65% of the first loading screen... Oh and combat arms freezes when I try to exit the game if thats any insight for you. Kk info time Device: Name: Nvidia Geforce 9400 GT Manufacturer: Nvidia Chip Type: Geforce 9400 GT DAC Type:…
  • Two scenarios... 1. "Yo *insert name of cleric here" lemme get a heal" "So what? Just because Im dressed like a cleric you ASSUME I heal? Man thats I don't have that skill" 2. "Yo *insert name of cleric here" can we get some healing here" "Nah you look fine to me." I lol at my own jokes :)
  • Hi there! If anyone here is from DR please post here so we can meet up and hang out :) And if anyone else wants to hang out with me your welcome also.
  • I think I was on sanctuary...not quite sure. If nothing else I'll make a new person. Btw people from DR new me as KingofCarnage. Or DeathsAccomplice.