NW is freakishly fun and over the top rewards .. totally worth coming back for. Rest of the game is just .. meh at best, same ol same ol. You will however find yourself anticipating the next NW weekly b:chuckle Hope to see ya back friend Oh and Damnation is recruiting when you get reinstalled b:victory
after spending 42.5mil on mirages for a +3 (one piece), I also use this method now b:chuckle
Nirv mat costs isnt the part that actually worries me. The part that has me worried is the Dev team making a reactionary change to NW rewards to appease the nirvana crowd which could have a reverse spiral. Im just stating that I hope they think of Positive solutions instead of a brainless "fix" which we have seen in the…
nods Im just saying overall (packs was used to get your mind thinking) .. The more areas there are to "spend" the less 1 individual area gets harmed. D.orbs (1* = 1tok) (2* = 4tok)(3*= 10tok) etc etc as you stated, gems as well .. all tiers (great for those bumping up and using the rune crafting) start adding in enough…
Solution: Widen the spendable reward options on the forges. (packs) heh that alone will draw 50% of the reward tokens (gold) ? (charms)? probably a plethora of items could added with a lot less overall dmg to the game. Charm for me id buy probably 2 per NW as thats what im currently going through and cant find any for…
I understand where your coming from as my wife feels exactly the same way about PvP. I managed to talk her into going on friday though and afterwards she said "is there another one tomorrow!" PvP isnt for everyone, but even the most deadset person i know (my wife) had alot of fun. Maybe just give it a go and see? There is,…
mm if your opening packs and getting rap/canny chests as a "common" thing, i want your luck please. If your opening packs "thinking" your going to even get either of these chests .. I LOL as the are overly stacked against you. Just to give you an idea, ive opened over time nearly 30,000 packs and only ever seen 3 canny…
Herb farming is the new cash cow. 50 - 100mil a day , here i go! /sarcasm off In reality, you can still make very good coin in nirvana, your just used to a diff pay scale is all. your wound will heal in time my friend. b:victory
possibly a winning bonus then? I brought in alts both friday and sunday to test , both recieved 0. As well as 1 person documenting within another thread that they actually fully participated and recieved 0. I was also PMed by a barb friend on friday who played the full 2 hours and recieved 0 but got 0 kills and was only on…
mm it dont work like that. I know people that actually participated and got 0 tokens, if you think u can just casually walk around and get credits/tokens on your alt while your main rolls .. you may be slightly uniformed or fed the wrong info.
Take into consideration that almost everything cost War Seals (50 event tokens per seal) Id guess there will be an eventual migration of the R9 and others wanting the tomes etc over to the seal. Everyone atm is just "coining up" so your seeing a higher up front influx of canny/raps. If i ever want the new tome or anything…
Can the Quiters Quit allready, my token reward went down last event due to more participants. Giving you till friday night NW start to pack your bags .. would like my tokens to go back up! Thank you in advance b:kiss
Wait... What? Your speaking about PW economy like its good or something lol Nirvana played, has played and is still playing a major factor in how BORKED the current PW economy is. By no means am I saying that NW will fix the economy as its not been here long enough to know (probably wont) but by no means is it going to…
You want me to read all that garbage? No thanks, id rather go do another Ivana b:chuckle
IF you are trying to convince me that (Nerdvana) vana , Ivana, nirvana (however you want to classify it) was the best instance ever and you sit on the edge of your seat daily just waiting for that great "socializing" instance.... wtf u smoking, id like some. Only communication u get from that is .. are you 5ap sin or do…
Im not talking about Euro players in that equation, that can be fixed with some time slot movements of the NW's (sure those players will silently up and walk away) Im speaking from the rewards aspect vs nirvana runners. Those people clearly are voicing ops. Im all for time tweaks to catch everyone b:victory math look…
Something that the people compaining are not putting into consideration HOW as a dev team do you launch new instances when there is a gear gap that is night and day? Solution: Allow everyone to catch up at a fraction of the cost. I think they just did that. Now, devs can actually work on the next expansion with near =…
I have alot of Euro friends and I told them Id voice up for some NW time changes. Something like Friday night, Saturday early Morning, Sunday early afternoon ^ that would pretty much hit all time zones and give everyone a shot at probably 2/3 events. If economics of it dictate only have 2 then id say move the time slot of…
Agree 100% w/ this being a wonderful addition. I wasnt sure if I would stick with PW upon coming back recently for the expansion. After 1 fun night though ill be staying now. I find myself the next day wishing there was another NW allready lol On a side note, Maybe we could help push for a Friday night, SAT morning, sunday…
Was the most fun ive had in over 4 years of PW Archer from frost, i dont recall your name but.... IHU b:thanks Thanks for the fun everyone and looking forward to more! b:victory
Loved the new NW's Took over a year break and caught wind of an expansion coming so i decided to swing back in and get back in touch with my toon before the launch. I was pretty sure i wasnt going to stick around , In fact I havnt even joined back up in TW/factions yet. After the NW event, I have to admit ill be sticking…
The 20 dusts your seeking dont drop in solo mode nor squad mode, they however do drop. Try going back up to janitor to turn in your quest after reseting the instance, janitor will be back and can turn in then. If you want a spoiler on the dust send me a prvt. good luck