There is a new fashion.....ok imma wait for it b4 quitting the game
i just had one time, PW luck with is when i decided to quit the game, take out all my coins i had and bought Sochis packs. And walllaa i won COM. And this was like few years ago when COM is still rare and new in market. And with that win, i have used all my pack luck for the rest of my game life ahahahahha. Oh cos…
yup still not online hmmmm kinda longer today on the question here, i played Technician. Kinda love her, but i still yet to fully utilise her skills, other than the traps. Still learning more about the class.
awww this really gonna happened?
hmmm just can load the selection screen, and nothing goes beyond that
edit : i saw the news now. Oh well...seems another thing they took out for ppl who dont charge their CC to the game :)
ok i just realise this..this same lag, lag spike, screen freeze things happened to me way back when i played PW-MY..that is when they just started to launch PWI...and it's been like that for most of the players..and eventually most of them move to PWI..and so do i, hehehe. Well, i dont see any relation to this..but it just…
same with me...i never have this kind of lag..frustrating when it happened in the weekends :( i have this kind of weird lag spike...
O.o i wanna fccccccccb:cry
yes..finally..after long hours of waiting...
yeah i didnt notice about the working time cos am from Asia...oh well, thanks for the info, i already send a ticket, hope something happened, :)