stun and slow work on stone barrier i really regret that i exchanged my demon emberstorm for this ****
on morai there are already such wcs much wow: wts sow 15mil each (inlove)
the skill was supposed to be a uber skill.... instead it is meh CCs are kinda random wearing any kind of shield, the damage is similar to basic skills... they should've made that skill as a single hit, that would've been legit... this is kinda good only in 1on1 situations to bypass a 75% hp dude sparking the fire hit
the skill was supposed to be a uber skill.... instead it is meh CCs are kinda random wearing any kind of shield, the damage is similar to basic skills... they should've made that skill as a single hit, that would've been legit... this is kinda good only in 1on1 situations to bypass a 75% hp dude sparking the fire hit
besides frostflame wizard skill not CCing as intended and dealing less damage than intended new mighty swing primal word skill stun bypasses faith antistun purify and most likely tidal protection
lol you really didn't notice yet that they improved max phys\ele-res cap from 90% to 95% lettiing it scaling from the same max value? f.e. i had 25k phys res yesterday and 85 phys damage redux, now its 90% phys damage redux @ 25k phys res
dis post gave me cancer f:gross fuzzy is back and in revision b:victory
ye man
as Subject: Major complaint about how your PWE staff is mismanaging your online games as Content: Good evening, i'm a long date player of your online games, i have always been satisfied by your company products and enjoyed spending my money into them. Recently your PWE (USA-EU) department proved inconceivable incompetence,…
as Subject: Major complaint about how your PWE staff is mismanaging your online games as Content: Good evening, i'm a long date player of your online games, i have always been satisfied by your company products and enjoyed spending my money into them. Recently your PWE (USA-EU) department proved inconceivable incompetence,…
as Subject: Major complaint about how your PWE staff is mismanaging your online games as Content: Good evening, i'm a long date player of your online games, i have always been satisfied by your company products and enjoyed spending my money into them. Recently your PWE (USA-EU) department proved inconceivable incompetence,…
as Subject: Major complaint about how your PWE staff is mismanaging your online games as Content: Good evening, i'm a long date player of your online games, i have always been satisfied by your company products and enjoyed spending my money into them. Recently your PWE (USA-EU) department proved inconceivable incompetence,…
bump this
ofc you guys you gonna continue to play you abused an average of 30 dragon orb ocean does this thread become a "regroup thread" of the bug abuser alt accounts saying meh lets play not a big deal yea keep posting so we get an idea of how many more abused the bug
you are mad people who got screwed up are mostly the endgame players (since +10 orbs is endgame stuff) and you give as compensation 5 hyper stones, something that endgame players cant use at all... and how do you even manage to ban 1/3 of your playerbase? you dont even have the manpower to do standard manteinances i…
i bet you are drolling and saying this by the 30 +10 orbs you got abusing the code no rollback wow such legit very compensation so pwe wow
i tried all the evening and seems for me it works almost 100% after just pyrogram. with other skills it doesnt
never go full BRazilian huehue b:laugh
ah i did not get it, i thought mortal bounced seeker hps back to full bar... so this happened cause of net latency and mortal kicked in that fraction of second when hps go down half and before charm ticks? might be worth to be tried with fast channeling\wellspringed\demonsparked skills i guess if this gonna work you might…
happened here more than once its quite unreliable due mainly to lags (or unexpected crits) that i really stopped using it\considering it part of my skillset to bypass charm
well yea solace totally n1 cleric i confirm it... too bad for the gears there are dyeena and albdruid (that quitted) as good geared and nice skilled clerics but, if i 1on1 em with the wiz consider that over HoS we haz elemental shell aswell and from my side i am pretty sure i oneshotted both of them in nation wars i could…
calm your **** kid umad cause my opinion is that i relegate clerics to full support class such as mystics? u wanna prove the fact that you can oneshot a r9r3+12 josd with 100% of weapon damage plus 3390.0 ? make a video i am curious i said a cleric can survive 1on1s, same as mystics (prolly) but at very endgame vs very…
she is a sin. equal geared, equal skills a cleric can kill just prolly mystics? yea plume shots kill r9r3+12 josd yea sure wake up man
allright allright i'll try and fetch the best cleric on the server and 1on1 him btw how you even got debuffd on sage tidal and died oneshot having deaden nerves? also you got faith on your genie right why just dont use it on the sleep and CC the cleric even before he 3ses still i think cleric have to be relegated to be a…
did this really happen on a retail server? b:shocked
in the casualty of someone that dies to a cleric still i ll be lolnoob you got killed by a cleric xD but seriously the hardest counter to cleric main damage is way too easily accessible\spammable by every class.... :(
equal gears equal skills 1on1s are balanced? hell no! a cleric yes can survive (maybe) but wont kill in 1on1, also sage tidaled 2x force stealth sins... also i'd say that mass pvp requires a lot more skills and focus than 1on1s while 1on1 you are completely aware of the class the gears and the skills you are facing, and…
^this HoS on genie = gg wp cleric @ very endgame, gettin killd by a cleric is really a shame... since, with HoS, anyclass kinda becomes impossible to kill for a cleric its not like a wizard where the debuff comes almost simultaneosly with the nuke, a cleric needs to chain multiple debuffs and ofc after the debuff chain u…
unlimited chi? a deity wizard pops and 3spark ip sutra frenzy ms bt bid server dcs
yes :D thats the only borderline-OP thing in game at the moment