Cleric (Sage) Vs BM



  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    I don't want to burst your little bubble of look how awesome I am, but seeing as how Dreamweaver lacks any real competition in terms of gear, calling yourself pretty darn good in 1v1 is a little bit way out of context since there's like... very limited amount of people who are on par in terms of gear, sharding and refines as you have on your cleric, so what do you have to compare it with, Heartz? Merangelus?

    lol thats quite harsh but there is some truth in that you can only measure yourself against the people you fight. Personally though ive watched nothing worthwhile from DW server in terms of pk, but I can assume DEM probably knows better seeing as he's on that server.
    All of this coupled with the knowledge that you need to do well in 1v1 fights and probably more that i havent listed is needed for a skilled mass pker. I agree with you that general technical skill is easier to spot in a 1v1 scene where its basically who won the most out X fights. However it is my opinion that to do well in mass pk you need considerably more skill than in 1v1, although harder to spot as it will be mixed with other peoples skill levels, is more potent and harder to achieve


    1v1 is a step up from dueling, but mass pvp is a whole another level. Group dynamics, survival, assisting, positioning are all so crucial and thats before you factor in multiclass understanding, stealth, random alt veno debuffing and constant player number changes (on both sides). Skill is harder to spot first hand but consensus tells us who the best skilled are. On Lost city people like Bait, Azura, Adroit pk extremely well in all situations. Ahira also is a great support cleric in group pvp but can also hold his own when solo.
    Mass pvp is pitting 5-10 players vs another 5-10 players of broadly equal gears and classes in open PK on world map or the PK tourney perhaps. When you know what you are up against in advance and can plan and execute a strategy assign targets kill orders and preferably all on vent. Unless you have experienced this what you think it displays or what is required for it is just, no offence, hot air. I wont mention names. -.-

    Equal players? Know what you're up against? Thats not mass pvp lolll
  • Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    juicybluca wrote: »
    a cleric yes can survive (maybe) but wont kill in 1on1,

    b:surrender There are some scary clerics out there in the perfect world. Dont make them want to prove you wrong on that.

    Dear diary:
    I was calling clerics OP 1v1ers even before morai update, most people just laughed. :C
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    b:surrender There are some scary clerics out there in the perfect world. Dont make them want to prove you wrong on that.

    Dear diary:
    I was calling clerics OP 1v1ers even before morai update, most people just laughed. :C

    in the casualty of someone that dies to a cleric still i ll be
    lolnoob you got killed by a cleric xD

    but seriously the hardest counter to cleric main damage is way too easily accessible\spammable by every class.... :(
  • Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    b:surrender There are some scary clerics out there in the perfect world. Dont make them want to prove you wrong on that.

    Dear diary:
    I was calling clerics OP 1v1ers even before morai update, most people just laughed. :C

    ikr this^ there a lots of capable and scary clerics out there b:sad
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    juicybluca wrote: »
    in the casualty of someone that dies to a cleric still i ll be
    lolnoob you got killed by a cleric xD

    but seriously the hardest counter to cleric main damage is way too easily accessible\spammable by every class.... :(

    So much noob in this statement.

    Anyways, obviously there are limits to how good I can be when I only fight a subset of all PWI players. If I say that I am 'one of the best 1vs1 on Dreamweaver', this is like saying 'I'm the best boxer in England'. Obviously this doesn't determine if I am 'the best' boxer, because England is one of many countries in the world. However, England has many boxers, and if you are the best out of all of them, it is fair to say that you are a pretty good boxer. I use similar logic to determine that I am good at 1vs1.

    There are also limits to how good I can be at group fights when, as Dark mentioned, they are pretty rare on Dreamweaver. However, they do occur from time to time: the last several days in a row there have been massive group vs group fights out at west, which were a lot of fun. Yesterday's battle must have gone on continuously for over an hour---each side had at least 2 clerics, so everybody on each side kept rezzing!

    (Rezzes are actually necessary at west, which seems more true to the nature of how a group vs. group fight should be. If you kill people fast enough at West, you can actually, eventually, kill the entire opposing team, whereas in Silver Pool the fighting continues with no clear winner sometimes, because the respawn is so close to where the fighting takes place).

    So while I'm no expert, I'm not talking completely out of my ***. Also, what Holly said, I agree with it all.

    Edit: do we bother distinguishing between 'group pvp' and 'mass pvp'? If so, how would you define each?


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  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013


    All of this coupled with the knowledge that you need to do well in 1v1 fights and probably more that i havent listed is needed for a skilled mass pker. I agree with you that general technical skill is easier to spot in a 1v1 scene where its basically who won the most out X fights. However it is my opinion that to do well in mass pk you need considerably more skill than in 1v1, although harder to spot as it will be mixed with other peoples skill levels, is more potent and harder to achieve.

    Hum i have just reread your post and may of misunderstood the jist of what you were saying first time around. So disregard this if it is just jibber :D

    EDIT: Yeah pretty sure i just waffled on with nothing to do with your original point. b:surrender sorreh

    Sorry for cutting out everything else, but yea I do agree with the 7 points you brought up.... I really do.

    I completely agree with you on it taking more skill to pull off things in mass pvp... (in my defense I never said otherwise... or at least I am pretty sure I didn't even come close to saying anything like that. I do know I said "nor am I trying to say there is more skill involved in 1 on 1 fights." That is the statement ill stand behind that I actually said and meant. :$ lol. *hides*)

    When I said "I ama have to stick with my opinion that 1 on 1 fights allow skills to play a FAR larger role in the fight(s)" what I meant by that was this:

    I feel that if you took 2 people that are skilled and pit them in a 1 on 1 fight, the fight could potentially go on for hours, but while in mass pvp its a lot easier to be caught with your pants down so to speak, therefore it is easier to get owned, and there be little to no time for skill to actually show up. (I.E. One of those people that are skilled, expends all their skills to survive the attacks of someone else who is skilled, then someone who is on the outside comes up and catches one of them off guard, and thus killing them with a significant amount of ease.) I said it before and I'll say it again there is far more to account for (aka intangibles) while in a mass pvp setting, or even in a group pvp setting. (honestly I feel they are essentially the same.) Mass and group are even classified as synonym's... ESSENTIALLY is the keyword... they do pretty much mean the exact same thing.

    Group Pvp. = Group of people killing each other.

    Mass Pvp = (large/mass) amount of people killing each other.
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Actually, I really did think clerics got the short end of the stick in the morai update, but after seeing the actual effectiveness of their skills a good UV cleric is pretty monstrous in 1v1. So I was completely wrong on that. They didn't get any "support" buffs, but they were fine on that part anyway. What they got was a HUGE 1v1/pvp buff.

    I don't see how you can think a Veno is hard though. Besides purge they basically have similar CC capability as a mystic, but less damage and no absorb soul (it's actually pretty broken at 700+ magic...w/ full deities it oneshots EVERYTHING except a barb/phy marrow BM/seeker...those might actually require a spark).

    Edit: After coming back to the game though and watching everything at R9rr levels and above...I do agree archers are no longer an exceptionally strong class anymore...and could stand to get maybe a buff or two.

    You need to meet up with an endgame veno using an avatar of war and take a good look at what that veno can do to you. If you think their disables are bad, they have faster stun cooldowns than archers, not to mention the pet can have multiple stuns.

    What venos (supposedly) lack in damage they make up for it in debuffs. People think archer or BM or barb purges are bad...this is the class that purges. They will strip you until you have nothing left (buffs and chi) and then roll for armor/mind break to strip you further. You can't kill the pet quickly anymore because it has like 80 def levels, and the veno herself isn't a pushover defense-wise, especially while in fox form stripping you of buffs and chi.

    Sage venos got another way to recover chi by switching forms. Demon venos are almost un-catchable with speed boosts and an anti stun.

    This is aside from having a purify weapon proc...endgame venos can get pretty ridiculous in 1v1 fights.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Sivaf: Apologies! for saying i disagree when in fact I wasnt even addressing what you had said. My first post to you just shows that my early morning reading comprehension is ****! Sorry for making you have to clarify what you said again :x


    Juicy: So many people say pfft cleric? Just HoS = cleric nullified.

    Take a fight I had a little while ago with one on my archer.
    I got caught in a SoG/sleep set up > They set me up > then Triple spark > Starts channelling thunder > i HoS with this face b:cute > Thunder fails but im still slept > They Plume Shot > It crits > I go boom with this face b:cry. As an example.

    HoS works okay vs clerics on more tanky classes like bms/seekers as they have high survival that they can work a HoS in effectivly. Personally I find using skills that will disrupt their set up chain so Will surge, Adrenalin and faith are better choices when fight clerics. As if you fight a cleric and are letting them set you up even if you have HoS they will be able to control the fight and eventually whittle you down, at least for LA, AAs.

    HoS is i think over used as a lot of peoples go to move when facing an electric damage dealer (Just like the people who just got their Faith genie and it becomes the only skill they ever use). Sure they cant deal any magic damage to you for the duration of the skill but these are the 3 classes that can deal almost constant physical damage to you. Im not saying HoS isnt a good skill, but trying to insinuate that any class with it on their genie will nullify a cleric is just wrong. In my opinion.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Sivaf: Apologies! for saying i disagree when in fact I wasnt even addressing what you had said. My first post to you just shows that my early morning reading comprehension is ****! Sorry for making you have to clarify what you said again :x


    Juicy: So many people say pfft cleric? Just HoS = cleric nullified.

    Take a fight I had a little while ago with one on my archer.
    I got caught in a SoG/sleep set up > They set me up > then Triple spark > Starts channelling thunder > i HoS with this face b:cute > Thunder fails but im still slept > They Plume Shot > It crits > I go boom with this face b:cry. As an example.

    HoS works okay vs clerics on more tanky classes like bms/seekers as they have high survival that they can work a HoS in effectivly. Personally I find using skills that will disrupt their set up chain so Will surge, Adrenalin and faith are better choices when fight clerics. As if you fight a cleric and are letting them set you up even if you have HoS they will be able to control the fight and eventually whittle you down, at least for LA, AAs.

    HoS is i think over used as a lot of peoples go to move when facing an electric damage dealer (Just like the people who just got their Faith genie and it becomes the only skill they ever use). Sure they cant deal any magic damage to you for the duration of the skill but these are the 3 classes that can deal almost constant physical damage to you. Im not saying HoS isnt a good skill, but trying to insinuate that any class with it on their genie will nullify a cleric is just wrong. In my opinion.

    allright allright i'll try and fetch the best cleric on the server and 1on1 him
    btw how you even got debuffd on sage tidal and died oneshot having deaden nerves?
    also you got faith on your genie right why just dont use it on the sleep and CC the cleric even before he 3ses

    still i think cleric have to be relegated to be a support class if i see a tempest in any pvp situation (cept 1on1s prolly) i am calling noob cleric :D
  • Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    juicybluca wrote: »
    allright allright i'll try and fetch the best cleric on the server and 1on1 him
    btw how you even got debuffd on sage tidal and died oneshot having deaden nerves?
    also you got faith on your genie right why just dont use it on the sleep and CC the cleric even before he 3ses

    still i think cleric have to be relegated to be a support class if i see a tempest in any pvp situation (cept 1on1s prolly) i am calling noob cleric :D

    Debuffs can still go through tidal. Deaden nerves isn't always up. Bad troll is bad.
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Not to mention, the troll was responding to an archer as if she were an assassin, lol.

    Tempest in a 1vs1? No, hardly ever. Not against the people who actually matter. Crit tempests can often bypass the charm on regular people, but there are many factors which interfere with this: getting the target to just above a charm tick, making sure that this happens with defense charm in cooldown, and getting the crit in the first place (base crit rate of 18%, good luck).

    Clerics don't have the ability to easily get massive dph for charm bypass attempts that don't involve crits (demon clerics a bit more so, but a 30% debuff to metal defense is still nothing compared to the attack lvls gains of a psychic or the undine strike + spark of a wizard, or the absorb soul of a mystic).

    Clerics kill people by basically negating a good portion of their charm tick, then dpsing the target to death. Against any class without too much hp (every class that is arcane or light armor, in other words), a cleric stacks healing debuff to at least 10,000, so that when your charm ticks, at least half of your hp is gone unless you are barb buffed.

    On a barb with 40k hp, heart of steel works: they still have 30k hp let, and no cleric will ever do 30k dmg to a barb in 10 seconds using plume shot. On a light armor though, who has, lets say, 15k hp left after charm tick (we are gonna assume near-endgame, barb buffed light armor here), a few 6-7k crits of plume shot can still finish a fight, even if that light armor used heart of steel.

    Against people who I predict will use heart of steel, I can do even better: I combine my normal 40% physical defense debuff with an 80str tangling mire debuff (51% debuff) to massively increase my physical dps.

    Actually, I should mention that a bm can still die to plume shots. Interestingly enough, physical damage can start doing more to a bm, especially if they are sage, once I start debuffing physical defense as well as magic. This is due to magic marrow of course. Seekers, barbs, demon-belled bms, wizards, and fox-form venos are pretty much immune to plume shots though.

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  • Posts: 2,106 Arc User
    edited November 2013

    Actually, I should mention that a bm can still die to plume shots. Interestingly enough, physical damage can start doing more to a bm, especially if they are sage, once I start debuffing physical defense as well as magic. This is due to magic marrow of course. Seekers, barbs, demon-belled bms, wizards, and fox-form venos are pretty much immune to plume shots though.

    Sorry just wanted to add something there.... that depends on their gear/hp. IJS <3 Not to mention it can be easy at times to catch a demon bell/demon marrowed bm out of the boost of demon bell especially since it only lasts 15 seconds. (Though to be fair that so depends on the class s/he is facing/how skilled the person is behind the character.) (EDIT: especially if they dont have cleric buffs as well. :$ lol.. once they're purged, their defenses are quite... ridicolously low depending on their gear. :$. (Edit) Yes i am aware clerics can't purge without a genie, but I wasnt talking just about clerics, I meant in general once a bm is purged, and left to rely on their own defenses they CAN be quite the easy kill... though that is true for ANY class. (Edit) Except for maybe barb thanks to their shields/insane hp... but really that just goes back to whether the person behind the character is skilled or not, some classes can really just ignore being buff-less for a bit longer than others. Though aye every class should get rebuffed ASAP.)


    Yea... I am fairly sure that was rather pointless but meh I wanted to say it anyways. :P sorry aeli <3
    Ah, Mistakes are so easily made. ~ laura resnick

    What kind of message are you sending when you insult my intelligence? ~ Me ~ 5/29/2015 (Yes it is possible someone said this before just no idea who/where.)
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Not to mention, the troll was responding to an archer as if she were an assassin, lol.

    Tempest in a 1vs1? No, hardly ever. Not against the people who actually matter. Crit tempests can often bypass the charm on regular people, but there are many factors which interfere with this: getting the target to just above a charm tick, making sure that this happens with defense charm in cooldown, and getting the crit in the first place (base crit rate of 18%, good luck).

    Clerics don't have the ability to easily get massive dph for charm bypass attempts that don't involve crits (demon clerics a bit more so, but a 30% debuff to metal defense is still nothing compared to the attack lvls gains of a psychic or the undine strike + spark of a wizard, or the absorb soul of a mystic).

    Clerics kill people by basically negating a good portion of their charm tick, then dpsing the target to death. Against any class without too much hp (every class that is arcane or light armor, in other words), a cleric stacks healing debuff to at least 10,000, so that when your charm ticks, at least half of your hp is gone unless you are barb buffed.

    On a barb with 40k hp, heart of steel works: they still have 30k hp let, and no cleric will ever do 30k dmg to a barb in 10 seconds using plume shot. On a light armor though, who has, lets say, 15k hp left after charm tick (we are gonna assume near-endgame, barb buffed light armor here), a few 6-7k crits of plume shot can still finish a fight, even if that light armor used heart of steel.

    Against people who I predict will use heart of steel, I can do even better: I combine my normal 40% physical defense debuff with an 80str tangling mire debuff (51% debuff) to massively increase my physical dps.

    Actually, I should mention that a bm can still die to plume shots. Interestingly enough, physical damage can start doing more to a bm, especially if they are sage, once I start debuffing physical defense as well as magic. This is due to magic marrow of course. Seekers, barbs, demon-belled bms, wizards, and fox-form venos are pretty much immune to plume shots though.

    she is a sin.
    equal geared, equal skills a cleric can kill just prolly mystics?

    yea plume shots kill r9r3+12 josd yea sure wake up man
  • Posts: 1,140 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    juicybluca wrote: »
    she is a sin.
    equal geared, equal skills a cleric can kill just prolly mystics?

    yea plume shots kill r9r3+12 josd yea sure wake up man

    When you have 98% chan with a r9rr+12 wep and armor like Aeliah does, it is quite possibleb:chuckle
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    juicybluca wrote: »
    she is a sin.
    equal geared, equal skills a cleric can kill just prolly mystics?

    yea plume shots kill r9r3+12 josd yea sure wake up man

    She is an archer according to her avatar. That avatar is the same as Asterelle's avatar, whom everybody knows to be a 105 archer. Therefore, Unholly is also a 105 archer. Troll FAIL.

    More troll fail: a mystic is the hardest class for a cleric to kill, not the easiest. You are so full of its not even funny.

    If I had to rank from easiest to hardest to kill in 1vs1, it'd probably look something like...

    normal difficulty
    -most classes (eg, a fully-geared bm is about as difficult as a fully-geared psychic, but for different reasons)

    -barbarian (heart of steel becomes a sure-save skill, and I have to kill them twice if they have cornered beast in)

    very hard

    Because clerics and mystics can heal themselves, they pretty much require a seal from elven boon or occult ice to finish off, which isn't necessary for any other class I fight.

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  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    Plume Shot can probably be comparable to archer autos in damage, the only reason it's not better is the crit rate; with a lot of -chan, clerics can output Plume Shot at almost the same rate. Not counting Demon QS proc ofc.

    Razor Feathers have almost as much damage add as a wave of Barrage, but clerics will channel it faster.

    With R999 and Emperor, robes have tremendous amounts of magic, giving them superior weapon damage multiplier for base damage despite having inferior weapon damage.

    That said, if you're not impressed by archer physical hits, then you probably won't be much more impressed by cleric physical hits. After all, people are getting like 20k-30k pdef aside from JOSD at endgame.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    She is an archer according to her avatar. That avatar is the same as Asterelle's avatar, whom everybody knows to be a 105 archer. Therefore, Unholly is also a 105 archer. Troll FAIL.

    More troll fail: a mystic is the hardest class for a cleric to kill, not the easiest. You are so full of its not even funny.

    If I had to rank from easiest to hardest to kill in 1vs1, it'd probably look something like...

    normal difficulty
    -most classes (eg, a fully-geared bm is about as difficult as a fully-geared psychic, but for different reasons)

    -barbarian (heart of steel becomes a sure-save skill, and I have to kill them twice if they have cornered beast in)

    very hard

    Because clerics and mystics can heal themselves, they pretty much require a seal from elven boon or occult ice to finish off, which isn't necessary for any other class I fight.

    calm your **** kid
    umad cause my opinion is that i relegate clerics to full support class such as mystics?

    u wanna prove the fact that you can oneshot a r9r3+12 josd with 100% of weapon damage plus 3390.0 ? make a video i am curious

    i said a cleric can survive 1on1s, same as mystics (prolly) but at very endgame vs very endgame vs players that know their class they cant kill sh.t
    strong OP nukers such wizards and seekers can manage to oneshot at very endgame (if crit, zerkcrit) and you say a plume shot can do the same... yea man sure man

    and this unholly is a ******n sin on my server
  • Posts: 292 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    @Juicy/Aeliah: To clear this up. This is my assassins account, the reason it shows an archer is that my forum account was rest when the servers merged. So i was given a 105 archer forum icon along with losing my post count and for about a week telling me i did not have any charecters at all on this account. I have not brought attention to this because i dont want the 105 assassin icon as the archers is 10000X better! In my opinion. Sorry for the mix up.

    However my assassin is not my only character and as I said in my last post I was playing an Archer.

    You said you would go out and fight the best cleric on our server, the only problem is the best cleric on morai in my eyes (solace) is not on a gear level to fight a well geared r9rr+ something wizard (if that is actaully what you play on morai?). I cant really comment on Morma clerics, but from the ones i have seen there has only been one okay EP and that was from fighting them in NW and them just kitting like crazy. I dont know personally i find EU server struggles cleric wise, this maybe why a lot of EU players say clerics are not a threat in a 1v1.

    Dont forget Clerics have a lot of debuffing power, anti heals can be very potent if used correctly! Consider it like a massive max hp gimp for 1 charm tick. They also have 3 ways of buffing their magic damage. Sure Plume/razor may not one hit a jades player but weaving them in to your damage if HoS is used can still be enough to kill most non HA characters especially if you are already in a bad place hp wise due to anti heal/metal damage before HoS etc. I just feel Clerics are so underestimated when they are really really rather strong! if not OP

    @Aeliah: You really would rate a bm as an average difficulty? is that because you feel you can survive them quite well? Personally from the BM perspective my marrows give me a lot of confidence in passive survival. I would of thought a bm would be up there with Mystics, Even if this is just because they are just a pain in the rear to kill.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    well yea solace totally n1 cleric i confirm it... too bad for the gears

    there are dyeena and albdruid (that quitted) as good geared and nice skilled clerics

    but, if i 1on1 em with the wiz consider that over HoS we haz elemental shell aswell and from my side i am pretty sure i oneshotted both of them in nation wars

    i could try with my seeker or archer or sin but they are not as endgame as the wiz but it could be a good fight... i'll c

    i believe most of the classes that can be taken down by heavy debuffs like LAs and seekers, have faith on genie.

    really there might be very awesome clerics.... but a very awesome "insert class" will still have a better chance to kill them in 1on1
  • Posts: 195 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    juicybluca wrote: »
    well yea solace totally n1 cleric i confirm it... too bad for the gears

    there are dyeena and albdruid (that quitted) as good geared and nice skilled clerics

    but, if i 1on1 em with the wiz consider that over HoS we haz elemental shell aswell and from my side i am pretty sure i oneshotted both of them in nation wars

    i could try with my seeker or archer or sin but they are not as endgame as the wiz but it could be a good fight... i'll c

    i believe most of the classes that can be taken down by heavy debuffs like LAs and seekers, have faith on genie.

    really there might be very awesome clerics.... but a very awesome "insert class" will still have a better chance to kill them in 1on1
    Quited is not a word....
  • Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited November 2013
    No, as a sage cleric (this could be different for demon) I don't charm bypass anybody at endgame, unless they do something silly like frenzy or fortify while I'm attacking, or if I get a triple spark crit, or that 'I-caught-them-at-exactly-half-hp-with-no-magic-defense-charm-in-and-crit-on-tempest' moment.

    I do, however, kill people in a fairly reliable manner with some really kickass channeling (even in my fully defensive, physical ring gear, I'm packing 62% -channeling when I use magic shell) and powerful healing debuffs. That means some pretty fast plume shots, if I choose to use them.

    Show me where I said I was one-shotting anybody with a plume shot? Lol. The point of my setup isn't to kill with one plume shot, but with several of them back to back. After I tick my opponents charm, they are usually at half hp or lower (exception, endgame, barb-buffed light or heavy armors), and I have 10 seconds to go through maybe 10-15k hp. If we assume I don't crit at all, and if we assume that I can only get off a mere 5 plume shots of roughly 2k each... even in this really bad-luck scenario, I'm still coming close to killing the opponent. In reality, I can get off more than 5 plume shots as long as I did magic shell first; I probably will crit on at least 2 of those attacks; and they'll probably hit for more than 2k non-crit (if I plan on trying to kill somebody with plume shots, you can be sure I'll debuff physical defense ahead of time). Naturally my metal hits harder on most people, even some arcanes, so I prefer to use metal. However, I have the option of doing nearly-as-good damage with physical, if I suspect my opponent will be trying heart of steel. I finish off archers all the time with plume shots because of this fact.

    As for bms... the biggest reason they are about the same as others is because of what HESOKA indicated a while ago. When I've locked down a bm for a while, their marrow runs out. I get to land several attacks before they can stick marrow back in. As well, I can also take advantage of their magic marrow to land a powerful magical shackles debuff, so they take some nice magic and physical dmg at the same time. Most classes can't control a bm long enough to outlast their marrow cooldowns, which is why this problem for bm is pretty unique to when they fight clerics (mystics to a lesser degree can sleep bm for long enough for marrow to wear out, but less often and less reliably). If it wasn't for this, then bms would be pretty tough for me to fight, along with barbs.

    CLERIC PV GUIDE (complete):

    CLERIC PK GUIDE (Incomplete):
  • Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Given there's no prep time right?
  • Posts: 18,978 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Given there's no prep time right?
    This looks like a NECRO!

    Rauldaman - Sanctuary replied to a message that was 3 months 19 days 10 hours 2 minutes old.

    Any thread over one month (30 days) old is considered to be a dead thread and you're not supposed to post in them. The person you are replying to probably doesn't care any more or can no longer be found on the forums. The topic itself could be out of date. Next time just make a new thread.

    Let's see how long it takes for a mod to close this :)
    I only respond if you begin a line with "SweetieBot", read the link below for commands
    SweetieBot FAQ / Usage:

    Status: ONLINE
  • Posts: 132 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Sweetiebot Has Caught Me Again ahhhhhhh

    Twice on the same night too!
  • Posts: 11,177 Community Moderator
    edited March 2014
    ... *facepalm*
    (Insert fancy image here)
This discussion has been closed.