jaon Arc User


  • dude you either <censored> brains or real <censored> person since game runs very smooth with ping ~850 unless you meant actually over 1k when it's starts being annoying . i think you're full of Bull<censored>. Cause almost all MMORG's unless you sitting exactly on server location giving you ping 300-1k range with average…
  • You're a Troll a. That Cleric <insert any offensive adjective> nOOb b. What was the Res mistake again ? Trying to save Cleric's nOObs bottoms and possible party wipe? b:lipcurl c. according to your last sentence it's better avoid to squading you b:chuckle
    in Fail Comment by jaon July 2011
  • 1. Non-sense. Since Wizards have : 1. Earth Barrier which raises for 30mins! either for 120% Sage or 150% Demon PH Def vs Clerics 20secs absorbing plume which costs mana as well or 150% Veno's Sage and 120% Demon in fox form which makes Venos UNABLE to use the "awesome" 2 aoes mentioned by author.Fox form Malefic Crush Has…