ironking611 Arc User


  • those sins you have on the post look creepy its like looking at a painting their eyes follow you around XD ijs XD
  • yeah wow thx you seem to be a big supporter of this new search engine..... the players change for the game but the company should change for players better quality for us is key to there success.... and this search feature is a fail for the questins that i have well more like problem....but i shouldnt have to go through…
  • oh i tried that link you gave me and its a fail..... the help feature on chrome told me to clear the cookies and the same sht happend so can someone from tech help me out?? after all the players are the paychecks for PWI
  • Submitting a ticket wasnt the original problem but it is now the point is that the serach feature wont be able to help with the original problem there for i need a some one from pwi tech to help me not only with submitting a ticket but the orignale problem as well..... search fearture for the win"??? you got to be kiding…
  • The second class i thought of are shadow like avatars that travel on the like an oil spill on the ground. One of the moves they should have is when it attacks a mobs or player the swallow its enemies in total darkness stunning the mobs while doing a large amount to it. Everytime the shadow swallows its victims there should…