infrared Arc User


  • I think what would work well for the chat issue would be to have a regional chat. Being that this is an open world map that might be difficult to do. Of course enlarging the chat range would work well too depending on how far you could receive messages from. 100m, 200 m ranges or more possibly.
  • Thats pretty cool. I have noticed that loot drops seem to be higher. Not sure if its due to the CB and testing loots or if the loot settings will remain after the CB. (crossing my fingers)
  • you will need buddah hands for the dragon quests, or what ever it's going to be called in the international version. I think its an item used for the storage expansion as well, i forget.
  • Correct, it's a rare drop. You can buy it from player shops or loot it yourself but it's not easy. The cage can only be purchased via the item mall and a nice micro transaction, which is not currently working in the CB. Don't get to attached to anything anyway, there will be a server wipe before OB starts.
  • Why don't people like to read the quest descriptions before doing the damn quest. I don't get it. Quit being in such a hurry to do stuff and you might figure it out for yourself. Imagine that.
  • Sheesh... some people can be hardheaded. No sense of humor either.