This. I don't know how people are being so blind to this. Why would you even want to spend your money on a project where there's no respect nor attention to a player. Plus the servers are becoming so abandoned and they're not even trying to bring some old players back by launching some promo with good rewards for returning…
They do not care about the game nor do they care about the players, and none of them who post news even come to this forum and check bug reports or other players' topics. Cash shop and sales kind of news are posted regularly, anything else isn't important (in their opinion).
There's the same mechanic on chinese servers and it hasn't been fixed so far, therefore they're aware of the issue and do not consider it to be an exploit And even if it is, who cares, they completely gave up on the game and do not even post here on the forum anymore
"If the server crashes out entirely, please let me know!" - (с) kalystconquerer
7tETRZEt - 30 Atk 88K6kcvP - 15 Atk\15 Def
heero200, Hi, you seem to be the only active person from PWI team who writes something on this forum. Is there any community manager at all currently, who compiles all the bug reports and sends it to developers? What's even happening to PWI right now? It seems like they gave up on it.
UPD: 1. When you open your Order window in character info, it displays just a word "Order" instead of actual currencies' names that are used in Morai. Those are Prestige and Influence.
A month later there's still no fix for this. Does any community manager actually read these reports?
And that would be twice as good if they were permanent.
UPD: 1. When you press filters button in Commision Shop, there's a little typo in the filters window. Should begin with a capital letter. And also the "Remedies/Recovery Charm" could be replaced with just "Remedies/Charms" to better fit the UI. 2. When you open Consignment Shop window, the "Vendor Settings" button is…
UPD: I would also like to add a couple of things that I've noticed. 1. First is the mini-map. So in other versions of the game, say, russian or chinese for instance, the little functional buttons are clearly separated from the mini-map itself. In our game version they are kind of overlapping the map, and also notice how…
Well surely it's good that you know how to fix this, but i think this has to be done on a client side by dev team.
Sorry, this needs to be moved to quality corner. I chose the wrong section.
Why do you spell it "their is" when it has to be "there is"?
I don't know if this subject has been discussed so far, but i really want the developers to know that it is NOT okay to make new skills with new visual effects yet with NO sound. Particularly I am speaking about the recently added glyph-versions of skills, some of which featured new animations (e.g Ironheart Blessing,…
Why do you spell it "their is" when it has to be "there is"?
Add those bamboo panda fashion weapons back to the boutique please. I really want to buy one т_т
Your answer is so good, that I am not actually going to comment on it. Just hope other players will see your approach to solving this issue.