Thanks again for your help both of you. I'm not 100% sure whether or not my character can travel to Archosaur as of yet, I know I can teleport to a couple of the cities on the mainland don't think Archocaur's one of them. That having been said, Jeremied that would be very helpful of you to have an officer PM me about your…
Thank you, Jeremied and lizrau =] I was expecting to have to wait around the entrance for a long time, I guess asking around in Raging Tides would be a far quicker process seeing as so many more people come through there. How exactly does one go about joining a guild, seeing as your posts make it clear that these…
While I am inclined to agree with your comments above about Alan Rickman (and I certainly agree he has been great as Snape, by far the best actor in the series) I still feel that the Princes Tale scenes were terribly cut down. A more faithful rendering of those scenes would just have provided Rickman with a greater amount…
You know I really didn't think the Deathly Hallows p2 was that great a movie tbh. I think the reactions to the HP films after they came out, especially this one, prove that there are really 3 types of Harry Potter watchers as it were - 4 counting those who never read the books. You have the optimistic viewer who convinces…
I always love how people ask the favourite movie question, and are then presented with lists and lists of great (and not so great movies.) I mean asking someone to name their favourite movie always makes them think of all the great moviesd they have watched, no one ever answers with just one - with the possible exception…