hopeitworks Arc User


  • Why don't you learn a thing or two about punctuation, run-on sentences, and spelling before you spew all over the forums? You should also work on your people skills if you want anyone to take you seriously. If you write an open letter to a GM like a 7 year old with rabies, you're not gonna get the response you want.…
  • So we should all become sins and aps our way through the game? Hello...that's the problem to begin with! Soon this game will be Perfect Assassin International and that sounds like a very boring game. As much as I hate it when a game nerfs my character, I'd rather see that done than to play a seriously unbalanced game. This…
  • Yes. I play with my daughter. No. I wouldn't recomment it to others because while it's fun for awhile, it quicky changes from free-to-play to pay-to-enjoy. There is also the fact that in order to get a reliable squad that won't scam or abandon you, you have to be in a guild. To be in a guild you just about have to cash…
  • Attack of the wraith turkeys? This Thanksgiving they're fighting back!
  • Wow! What language is that?
  • A quest that should take less than 2 minutes has taken 3 days and still has not been finished because I get pk'd every time I try it as well as everyone who's tried to help me. I'm a one hit kill for anyone 60 levels higher than me. At this rate, yes I will spend my whole life in there. The Token of the Seven quest starts…
  • Isn't this a bit like lining up an NFL team against a gradeschool football team? The poor little ones are getting squashed. This may have been done with the idea of giving high levels a place to pvp, but all it has done is create hostility. You have effectively taken several quests away from lower level players. This was a…
  • Just keep making my point for me. Thank you!
  • Exactly the sort of child I was referring to. My point is that having to listen to the childishness makes the game less fun. I want a filter that allows me to block all of if while those of you who like it can wallow in it it your heart's content. I love how people get so upset when they're asked to follow rules. In the…
  • So your server is full of intellectuals having discussions on the intricate workings of human anatomy, huh? Well mine is full of junior high kids who like to use "naughty words" for fun. If players were mature enough to converse in a civilized manner, filters would not be necessary. I would much prefer to have a filter…
  • I wrote a ticket over the timed weapon issue. If they're gonna charge me $5 dollars to open that box, there had better be a permanent weapon in it. I opened it for my veno so luckily I have a sword for my mystic and cleric to share. But what about my assassin and barb? It would also be different if you could craft a…
  • There have been times that Duke shouts so much I cannot keep track of my chats. I've missed so many whispers from people cuz Duke fills up my chat box and it scrolls away before i see it. When you're in an instance and you need to be able to communicat w/ your party members you don't need a spammer flooding your chat box.…