hopefulhuman Arc User


  • beautiful song
  • i found out what was wrong. there were actually two files missing--PackDLL and packdll. weird
  • I found 2 packdll in the game files and uploaded them : packdll.dll 84KB goes in Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International\patcher http://qrrjh5.alterupload.com/en/ PackDLL.dll 68KB goes in Perfect World Entertainment\Perfect World International\launcher http://du1uko.alterupload.com/en/
  • thank you! who knew there were two PackDLL's. the other being lower case, but in any case, needs to be in the patcher folder. wow. come on PWE
  • tried that and nothing. i dont see how the torrent version can be missing this file. it's not. its my computer and i have no idea where to start fixing it.
  • this time with the torrent version. no luck. still getting the same "missing packdll.dll" message. so i downloaded the packdll and put it in my 'patcher' folder and i get a new message saying that it cant locate 'dynamic link FillPackVersion'. i have no idea what to do after this.
  • this time with the torrent version. no luck. still getting the same "missing packdll.dll" message. so i downloaded the packdll and put it in my 'patcher' folder and i get a new message saying that it cant locate 'dynamic link FillPackVersion'. i have no idea what to do after this.
  • same problem. i did the direct download twice. so i did the torrent one and it's almost done. my direct download was constantly and incessantly being halted and i had to resume and do all sorts of starting and stopping of it so im thinking that might be the source. on both times i downloaded from the direct dl link, this…
  • i too am having this same problem however i am not missing Packdll.dll. im staring right at it. yet it still says im missing it. i will try messing with anti virus and firewall stuff and hope for results.