hempi Arc User


  • Sad... List the east/west for me if u can :D
  • Wow you guys scare me, i'll never start on dreamweaver... Looking for a server to start fresh hahaha
  • but how is the PvP in HT? worth it ? LC seems like the oldest and most stacked server, doesn't look good for new players who aren't going to put a lot of cash in, :s.
  • Guys i'm also looking for a server to start. I like to PvP but i would also like some "friendly"-server towards new players (if u can call any sv like that, lol). East coast would be better, but i don't think west is a problem. Any thoughts? Help? :P
    in best server Comment by hempi March 2011
  • What about a new server?? Are they thinking about it?
  • So if arch is a dead/pve server i don't think i'll play there. Can you guys tell me about the PvP servers? Which one has more players? Which one is older? Which one (if) is located on east side? Oh, and is there any rumour (realistic one) on a new server??