Make sure you have enough space in your inventory.
Wait....the second part of my explenation is a bit wrong. Just tried it again and it doesn't work completely as I said. I had to release right-click while still in inv. But if I release right-click and close inv a split second after that then something gets unequipped. But im still sure its not a glitch that randomly…
This happens when you are looking around with right-click and while doing that opening your inventory with b and then your invisible pointer happens to be on a piece of equip. Im 100% sure about this :O And then you close your inv then release right-click later. Then when you check inv again something is unequipped :O
Something that I have also noticed is not actually an "issue" but it’s something that has changed. The sprites (I think it’s called sprites) on the Rashnu fly sword has changed. Well, the two streamer things reset every second or 2. Where it was usually continuous btw….so yea….that’s definitely something that has changed.
I used the manual patch. It downloaded but now the launcher says "Update server under maintenance. Please to try again later". It's already updated. I need my fix. Ooh yay!!! Just clicked the update button a bunch of times. Now I can start!!!