*Pours out a 40*
*rises from the dead* *claims 4 year anniversary rewards* Hi guys.
What if they added level 106 that required 100 trillion experience. Would that count?
I've been...around. Nice to meet you, too :)
Echoing the "try a different browser" approach. Looks like everyone else can use the system just fine.
The original bullet time. Truly a classic. P.S moving to off topic
That should only happen by watching mine. For a few hours, I guess. Closing this.
That's odd that you can log in to the forums but the same info won't work in-game. I guess at this point you'll need to wait for a response from your ticket. At the longest it should take around 2 or 3 days, or much less depending on the current load of ticket requests.
I got nostalgic. I miss this place. edit: Nice to meet you by the way!
Moved to the suggestion box.
I knew the name "man" sounded familiar, I believe I just saw you in someones signature... Maybe try PM'ing Hope directly?
Is your capitalization correct, if you used any capital letters? Are you trying to log in with the correct account name that you registered with? If you're still experiencing difficulties, submit a ticket to customer support here: They'll get you sorted out.
Make a Venomancer first, THEN the Archer. (I wanted that level 42 mold bow the penetrator so bad and I saw Shinzoko running around with it and every time I saw it i'd view his gear and then open my own inventory and try dragging the icon from his weapon slot onto mine, and then I'd sigh and go back to killing Foxwings)
This is true. I haven't actively moderated these boards in quite some time, but many of the posters in this thread are familiar faces. The fact that so many old-school names are in this thread is comforting in the fact that PWI has such a solid player base of really passionate, vested individuals. I'm basically…
Thank you~
I'll get right on that.
Question answered, thread closed!
Moving to screenshots and videos.
Moving topic, I guess?
New servers will be opened on an as-needed basis. As far as I know there aren't any plans on opening new PWI servers right now.
This is exactly what you needed to do. Hopefully everything gets worked out, because as long as you created that character through in-game methods and did not edit .ini files at all, you should be perfectly fine. Closing this thread now.
This is correct.
word 10 characters
It's been reported in, so hopefully they get removed. Give it some time.
Check out the class forums located here: The stickies in each board will generally help you figure out how each class works. From there you can read more about the classes that interest you, and make your decision from there.
Closing this thread due to flaming. If discussion about this topic is to be continued, please do so without resorting to personal attacks.
Oh damn, the old guard is minus one now. Sorry to see you go, don't be a stranger around here!