guitarted Arc User


  • No they stopped the sale because someone screwed the price on the +12 orbs making them significantly cheap, as for the other CS mmorpg's they're reasonably young i mean forsaken world only has a lvl cap of 80 (if i remember correctly) and it was only just raised, alot of the CS games are cheap due to there lack of end game…
  • Wait so if there are four people in your house and they have there own computers, what happens if they all multi client using the same net, that's what like 8 clients open on the same network, maybe telling my flatmates about perfect world was a bad idea lol.
  • The answer is Complicated, Chinese have the money to support there version, (2 billion people in one country is sure to get alot of users) I'm not sure if PWE (US) paid for all of these mmorpgs or have some kind of free trade offers agreement but the truth is these games take a long time to make and are expensive, china at…
  • That doesn't make sense, how could you tell if there were 4 accounts being used by separate users or the same user. example i have a laptop and a desktop, i multi client on them and its all me, could i then pass my self of as two separate users, i mean are you going of a trust system here or is it to do with the (IP)
  • i thought they were updating the game graphics engine in the next expansion next year.
  • [(Quote) "I'm really disapointed on that part, PWE. We all know you took so much time to let ppl farm lvl105, so they go and buy you endgame stuff, which is pretty expensive in $. You took out the only way to get rank fast without paying $ (DQ Points), and now there's only left by tokens, rep sales (which they take $) or…
  • Nets on Dial up, for another 4 hours, updating on dial up is not an option, lol.