guilty Arc User


  • LA venos are jokes dual armor venos are the best (whichs been proven numerous times in CN games)
  • omg anber, dont tell me ur back 2 play this lame game again? b:sad
  • lol this is what happens when small guilds get picked they make a topic 2 cry b:chuckle is there any rule that says big guilds cannot atk small guilds for land? b:surrender all lands r free 4 grab if u have the power yeah so just suck it up
    in GZ Butth0les Comment by guilty May 2009
  • oh the irony b:chuckle Zephyrx - Lost City Perfect World User Join Date: Apr 2009 Posts: 336 Position: Professional Forum Troll and more irony b:surrender conclusion: for some1 whos got an "attitude", "dont listen to others" and not 2 mention "dont have life" u sir, need 2 troll better and now u mister have been…
    in Ironic? Comment by guilty April 2009
  • who the fk r u, random? was i talking 2 u? if not then maybe u should just stfu and go troll somewhere else and plz 4 gods sake dont ever talk 2 me again thank u very much b:bye ps. afk so i dont waste my life on another worthless trolldren b:surrender
    in Ironic? Comment by guilty April 2009
  • lol the shet talker actually came 2 realize the fact that PWI LC is now a dead server good 4 him
    in Ironic? Comment by guilty April 2009
  • "Lost City wanted it?" Wrong.... thats wut BLT wanted they wanted it and now they got it
  • heavy fox with GX? lol i hope u guys know the fact that wf cannot turn into fox form with any other wep except magic wep b:chuckle (tho i know it was a joke ^^)
  • lol if any1 thinks LA > pure int robe then that is quite laughable b:laugh especially after lvl 95 +, the higher u wep refine u gain, the more difference it becomes. Oh and dont forget about the magic defence will be huge when buffed and the actual physical def difference between the 2 is not very significant.
  • its not the server that fails, its the game itself, everything ends up the same way for this game no matter how u play it in other words, PW is a suck **** game. Only good in the 1st 5 month, after that game gets boring and trashy i hope D3 comes out quickly b:surrender
  • lol, for having light armor fox as best fox explains why LC lacks good wf its very unfortunate that alot of good players left the server
  • pure heavy fox is trash unless u lvl 102+ or so other wise the only class u can survive = WR and WB and dont even count your melee skill as kill moves, the only skill u will be using are debuffing and amp, as for your magic its ok but wont do much dmg unless u highly refine wep
  • lol, BLT wants to balance the server? give me a break.... with all the BS and lies they come up with and betrayals they have done to other guilds, who would wanna ally them 2 "balance" the server b:surrender in truth they just want to eat up the lands themselves (according to Grimz's original plan b:bye) imo its way better…
  • BLT gets my vote guild is full of scumbags, bodies of lies and scammers to the core
  • despite the fact that pandora is a total trash talking piece of shet, i agree on all the negative facts he stated on BLT
  • and this is coming from SG1 b:laugh b:laugh b:laugh enough said b:chuckle
  • rofl, i love the fact that SG1 and the ppl who r bashing GZ here r the ones who kept getting 1 shotted and now coming here and crying like little babies b:laugh
  • im gonna reroll my fox there and make sure its heaven when 90 << hell fox blows and idk why the fk i picked it -.-; (only good for light armor and robe) <_<
  • tell her to guard u while u pick
  • Ballin from Lost City still got his 2 billion gold -.-
  • ppl who benefited from the bug still have the gold and yes they are gonna keep it unless we have a roll back...
  • my friend's friend still has 2 billion gold in his inventory and he's about to transfer the gold 2 his mule.... yeah it was good that u guys fixed the bug, but if u cannot handle every1's bank then plz DO MAKE A ROLL BACK cuz its very NECESSARY -.-
  • yes, i just heard those who has tons of money from the bug are still not suspended..... GMs should look deeper into players bank/inventory gold amount plz
  • floor has been always mine and the truth of u being upset is because I got my gold mat as always since I'm lucky, thats why u wanted a share of it no matter what even tho u trying 2 sound like u dont care about money (ha, wut an irony) no matter how much u change the "truth", in heart, we all know who the greedy ones are.…
  • isn't it the fact that he's been on ur friend list forever and running HH with u for ages? aka being extremely biased and on ur side connect the dots correctly plz b:surrender
  • and u running HH with my guildmates have anything 2 do with this or make sense because? b:laugh if u wanna tell other ppl 2 make sense at least try 2 connect ur own dots b:laugh sure does sound like ur running HH and have the time trolling on here b:chuckle
  • says some1 who's taking the game mad seriously to the extend of making such an essay i wonder how much rage u had 2 go thro 2 type all that ^^ i believe this vid suits u better b:chuckle Rage quit science, rage quit :3
  • wutever happened to "I'm done"? guess ur QQ is at limit, wonder whos reaching now? b:laugh
  • haha, talking about proof? where is the proof of me stealing the gold mat? post plz? u r only 1 here fabricating the story and trying ur best 2 ruin my reputation gl man cuz ur QQ dont mean a thing b:chuckle and ur rule of no calling gold mat in HH runs is never heard of thro out MY server so i'm guessing ur just a nobody…
  • VVarLord's been known on your friend list forever so no fking duh hes on your side, so the s/s u posted are pointless to me thank u very much. And you are always greedy in hh from 2 ppl ive heard in CQ and BL so i wouldn't be surprised that VVarLord is the only person here hooking u up with hh runs (tho im not gonna bring…