gleardramearth Arc User


  • I see DQ is lowered again in response to it's unpopularity. Also did 4 solo runs in TT on 2X's. 2 X's nothing is nothing and that is what I got in mat drops. That was after 40 hrs of grinding for food for my herc. When will they start making this game fun again? No one can afford pots, repairs, or armor for fb, bh and Dq…
  • I am seriously frustrated today. I bought a Herc. and the Hp is great and he is a good tank pet. But, getting meat drops to fill him will keep me from leveling for weeks ata time Super saving on the pocket book, no more charms needed while I am hunting pet food and no armor needed the weeks I will not be leveling. but it…
  • I am hearing that after spending money on a herc that soon they will no longer be able to tank bosses. they are weak now, but what is the point in buying one if they become useless. I don't mind that DQ is being weaned from the game entirely. but another drop in ingame revenue needs a serious reconsideration. No one will…