gerto Arc User


  • Hi. I have lvl 79 LA cleric character on Dreamweaver. Her name is TiaTia. It is possible to solo TT 1-1 for cleric. I did it when i was around lvl 70 (i think). But if you want to do it for money it is not worth it. When you tank the bosses you will burn more coins on mp pots and orbs than you will get from the from…
  • Thanks for your advices. And Rillien i enjoyed Your forum tread about LA cleric build very much. I will restat the Vit as I want to stay full LA clerik. Till now I had no problem soloing my quests (except 19fb), but I'm curious what will the extra mag from vitality do.
  • Hallo Thank you for your oppinions. Especialy the one from Mikel_oru is very interesting. I know that for Light Armor build You need to put 6 Mag, 2 Str and 2 Dex every 2 levels and my current build is not after this specifiacations, but should I really take such drastic way and restat the vitality? I looked in PW items…