gershwinn Arc User


  • 1. women do not have nuts 2. Saraise is what, in her mid 20's? no where near menopause. or was that a possible attempt at being comedic on your part? if so, it failed.
  • neither, just trying to follow your ignorant dribble. and obvious lack of medical knowledge. Both are good for a laugh.
  • And Saraise is the only one with access to that? lol there are well over 190 people there
  • just to name a few: Zaibeast, AbyMoon, Proski, Icezicle, Saraise_, Jordon, JiEunxD, Jaydiss, Cool_Shots, $maker, \Sunshine/, _SnowTiger_, AngryTeddy, Chasini, Chasee, DeadGame, Pinkahboo... I can go on but I believe the point has been made. And by the way, I am not Saraise.
  • then your intel is not as good as you thought it was. there are currently 25 ex Fatalis in Elusive - and at least ten of those were fairly recently. And, at least 6 of those were officers at one point.
  • No Brent is obviously a fail Fatalis now probably gone on to fail Phoenix. Evident by his irrational attack on Saraise, who, from what I understand, hasn;t been on vent for any length of time in months. As i said before tiny little brain and other parts that get hard making idiotic comments that have no relevance to the…
  • Seems to me you do care or why react that way? You are obviously a tiny little person who holds onto grudges and mistaken opinions because it is all you have. I have yet to see you add anything of value to these forums Grow up and be an adult.
  • not worth it.