garthvader Arc User


  • I don't think you should have to buy anything. If it worked before then when they put the expansion in they broke the game. They should just fix it back to how it ran before. I doubt a new gfx card will help much.
  • A 275 GTX is still a fast card. as it runs all the newest games on the highest settings with 16x AA and AF I would not say it is outdated yet and it is overkill for PWI. When it came out my BFG 275GTX Overclock was a $380$ gfx card. But thanks for the info... I wish they would update the game to support new PCs. I did Not…
  • Read my post here. I have the same problem.... ADMIN is case you are reading it has to do with the terrain setting being on max. Read my post #36
  • Hey guys I have a similar issue. I quit PWI in August 2010 and came back to check it out a week ago. I had upgraded my pc and moved to Windows 7 in the time that I quit. NOTICE I SAID UPGRADED NOT DOWNGRADED. My specs before were an Athlon 64 6400+ black edition processor with 2 gigs of ram and a geforce 275GTX and it ran…
  • The only thing more difficult in 3-2 is the emp. 3-3 is another story.
  • ok I have no issues with them adding a little more difficulty to the game, however, the 3-3 gold mat bosses are near impossible. They aren't unbeatable but within the realms of being worth your time it just simply is not. So from my experience I went in with 3 bms with a minimum of TT99 gear and most partial lunar. 1 with…
  • I have been having the same exact issues.... and I do use a BM. Also I ran TT today and it was lagging seeverly to the point where i kept dying in traps because it looked like i was halfway down the hall when i was really walking in a trap. I had to relog to get rid of the lag about 5 times in 1 run...not fun at all. All…