Hello, I have been trying to get ahold of your leaders to join the guild, but have not been able to. They have either been offline, or I might have typed their name in wrong :P, however I do want to join still. Please get back to me my in-game name is Magicianx
If you give me a day, I will be able to get to level 10+. I just had to restart my character. The Character I will be creating once I am done with my updates will be a Wizard in Dreamweaver. So, I will send you a friend request/message?
I am a level 1, but I have played before.. So I'm not a complete noob, my old character was a level 33. I just quit for a while, and wanted to start fresh. Should I bother getting an interview?
If you're a Mage, I would definately go for Apoth, you're going to need those potions. Blacksmith, not so much.. I mean Wizards do need new weapons, but they don't cost a lot until higher levels. Tailor is O.K. Wizard's armors don't cost too much either, you might just be able to find a friend who does Tailoring and get…
I have played this game before, so I'm not really new. I just quit for a while, but when I had my Wizard, I loved him. He could hit so hard, at lower levels. And they PWN'd Warriors. XD