frigg Arc User


  • Dungeons /caves /lvl 19 fb quest. The instanced dungeons, you get the first quest at lvl 19. theres one for every ten levels after that AFAIK.
  • FYI we are moving to the Lost City server after open beta starts.
    in Guardians Comment by frigg August 2008
  • Ahahaha... oh god, that made me laugh. PW beta has been fun so far, but i have never played an eastern f2p MMORPG that doesn't eventually break down into a grindfest.
    in End Game? Comment by frigg August 2008
  • 1) This is PW International, not PW MY, things are bound to be irreversibly different. 2) No use whining about something so miniscule, so you'll have to call yourself "whatever1" or "whatXever" instead of "WhAtEvEr". big deal. 3)Its closed beta, wait until open after the accounts are whiped and you can get your name back…