fncrzyjordan Arc User


  • You are joking about people spending that much money right? I have a hard time spending 15$ a month on a game let alone anywhere near that much....
  • See now this is the kind of post I was looking for. So if I'm set on playing a caster class then im looking at playing solo alot of the time. Otherwise, I will have to choose a melee class to get into the dungeons and end game content. Is this all summed up?
  • Mise well play a P2P game for 15$ a month, have the same advantages and disadvantages as everyone else, AND save some money?
  • Is this not how a game makes its sales? Is it not how they KEEP the interest of the player? What do you think new areas/dungeons/gear are for? To persuade you to keep playing.... Kinda sad actually. I really enjoyed the gameplay/graphics/quests. But i'm glad I got an idea of how the dungeon/end game play would be like…
  • Who wants to play a game with only 2 melee classes on a boss fight? Sounds pretty boring to me....Looks like im going back to WoW or finding another MMO to keep my interests.
  • They have a choice of like 10 classes. It just seems strange to me that groups only want 3 of them. Assassin, Blade Master and Cleric. If they game focuses so much on ONLY these classes for dungeon grouping then it seems not to be just player choice but a flaw in the making of the game. An MMO should be focused on all…
  • Honestly, with all the negative talk all over the forums about the game its kinda driving me away. Seems to be a terrible fault if they cant even make a successful wizard/sorc class that can nuke things in an instance. Every MMO i've played has done well with making sure a caster fits in well with buffs and straight out…
  • Look at the initial post guys. It says it in <b>BOLD</b> letters. 11pm-1am PDT!
  • I would have to agree. A bear would suit the class well!