fishpup Arc User


  • Veno, cleric, psychic, mystic, seeker, barb, bm, sin and working on an archer now. My favorite so far is my cleric.
  • Wow instead of coming up with more **** why not fix the medal of glory's and put them back in DQ so the rest of us can finish our rank 9 gear. Idiots are now charging over 50m each for them.
  • Aaah the chest of coins. Hmm they are quest rewards, um let us open them for free.
  • Wow its so nice that the greedy idiots again prevail. While some of us spend real money and farm our ***'s off there are a select few of greedy, self obsorbed morons that make the rest of us suffer. Hey pwi here's a thought, first fix the problems with the game instead of finding new ways of making money off us, second…
  • It would be nice if pwi would put the bosses like TT, wedding quest etc.. back to prior to the patch. They have been a nightmare eversince. For example I have a lvl100 barb with 18k hp buffed and the msg states the mob hit me for 1 but I lose over 9k in hp, something really needs to be done about this.
  • First off I need to apologize, Fishpup was my archer but deleted char and made Venopup and now Fishpup is my barb alt but its how I signed up originally. Second I don't need to explain my behavior to anyone other than to those I already explained to (which is reason I am in Nef). If you wish to personally know then come to…
  • The main person I was refering to was me. If you don't know your facts or twist what you know about I suggest leaving me out of your posts as I have done nothing to you or anyone else in a derogatory manner.
  • Oh plz don't hide. Let us all know who you really are. I have my suspicions but will not comment at this time. So I see you like casting aspersions about people without knowing the facts. Well I for one am happy that I can give you some enjoyment because either your life is so pathetic or so boring you have to **** on…
  • Thats exactly what I'm talking about. With gold so high they are worthless. I submitted several tickets with the idea of making hammers 50 silver or 1 gold which still supports pwi, even tho this is supposed to be a reward (rewards you not supposed to pay for), or be able to npc for something. As far as supporting pwi I…