feolanthos Arc User


  • This is what the server maintenance was for. *nods* I C WUT U DID THAR!
  • *falls of chair* Umm ok now this made me EL O EL thx for the lulz everyone and keep feeding the troll. Dancing trolls in a cage are fun to poke fun at. b:victory
  • Alright I will protect Mr Blacke from the mean hordes of Wraith and deranged pla-uhh murderers. Only so that I can kill him MYSELF! b:angry
  • Anyway why is this plonked in General seems like a suggestion to me. But imo all classes need better animations especially some of the BM moves even some of the basics like Draw Blood and Tiger's Maw look like blergh. (granted the moves are hardly used as they ain't that good in most circumstances)
  • *facepalms* Who let the people from the mental institution create factions. Next we will be seeing large groups of people being forced to where heavy armor because they 'need' defence. Well my arcanic brothers and sisters where your robes proudly and let the squishiness make you feel PWNsome (end game wizzes you know what…
  • No in my opinion Perfect World (the game) seems to be doing alright but in my opinion it is the community which is dying getting into uproars over the slightest insult. I'm not a regular to the forums but when I do come on I cringe. Lets have a bit of optimism people! b:cool