well i dont know how the hell you got that version but when i downladed it directly from there website trhough there own downloader i got the american version so.... I dont know what to tell you other than try that way and if you still get this werid fugged up one well damn. So my suggestion to on what to for the lanuage…
My suggestion to you is to uninstall the game, reinstall it and then update it again. If the problem persisits then i dont know what else to tell you. It works fine for me, just spent an hour creating a character and all went fine. So hopefully that will work.
It worked for me no prblems so far. I updated to version 7 with the manual upadater file because it would hang on other files and this worked the best way. If the updater has problems with some files not going through completely, meaning that if you see files that get the pop up box to try again or stop upadte. Just stop…
yeah well i might look for another MMO to try but dont know...
i think installed every single asain language pack that i could from the way i did it and it didnt do anything for me. Except for seeing [][][][] boxes like these there were just filled in instead so.....
what language pack? chinese? or korean?
hmmm i dont know but i do have my windows disc handy by me i'll try installing the asain lang pack to see if it makes a diff or not.
As you all seem to not know that the file badwords.txt does not exist in the game files or folders anywhere. I dont know if this is the problem or not that it's not even there or not. I am having the same exact problem as everyone else on this post here with this file.
Actually the badwords.txt file doesn't even exist. I did a searh for all the TXT files inside the main PWI folder and its not there at all. So its trying to update a file that doesn't exist.
I agree completely with this guy here. I'm not surprised that they don't even mention that It could actually be a problem on there end, which I'm inclined to believe that it is. So i just got this about an hour ago and have been trying to get it updated manually and through the server itself but alas it all fails from both…