exeys Arc User


  • I've kept my mailbox as empty as possible the whole time since this event started - i have about 105 tokens unaccounted for.
  • -Great wall of text warning- Okay...I'm not sure if this is the right thread to put it but seeing that it seems to be mainly (the more recent posts anyway) about how certain classes are more or less "broken" compared to others, I suppose this may be a place to start. I've occasionally pored through this thread for the past…
  • As a caster in CoA, I go agree with previous posts on one thing - casters do have it fairly easy in terms of fighting the bosses. However, as easy as the bosses are, it IS tedious compared to APSers, because we don't have auto attack abilities, and macros can and will be interrupted (especially when someone pulls those…
  • As most of the arguments over Purify appears to be related to flag carrying in NW, this is what I see it as: The problem that ppl mostly talk about is the speed boost and how AAs are basically zipping across the map with Purify. But people who use charger orbs, sunchasers, and shadowbinders also zip across the map. Put…