espea Arc User


  • oh no will i lose.......or win b:shocked pumpernickle breadb:dirty
  • imma lvl 18 veno im almost always on, so if your looking at this post whisper me, ill let you join my group, and we can all work together to lvl till the problems done with how does that sound???? b:laugh b:victory b:pleased on pw im espeona so whisper me ifya wanna wok through this okb:pleased
  • I'd like to think my post helped lead to the new update promised in the future, but it probably wasn't... (sorry i dont know how to quote >.<) maybe it did you never know b:laughb:victoryb:pleased
  • new race:Aerians Bird like creatures who in ancient times were called the cloud walkers for they lived on the clouds Aerian scout:(male & female)stealth is their best suit low attacking but their defence makes up for it Aerian Berserker:(male and female)polar opposites of the scouts, they rely soully on brute force,…