New Races/classes!!



  • Venacious - Harshlands
    Venacious - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    Elemental - Maybe uses magic from all elements along with elemental melee weapons?

    Agreed, there deff needs to be more casters.
  • Anders - Lost City
    Anders - Lost City Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    hmmm....I think a class that has been tainted by the wraiths would be rad.
    Like The defiled.

    melee class would be rogues, and the caster class would be Warlocks.
    Agreed, there deff needs to be more casters.

    yeah, but that would make Elementals Imbalanced. Wizards get earth, fire, and water, Veos get wood (thats what she said) and Clerics/ Archers get metal.

    One class with ALL elements may as well be a fusion of the three.

    oh, and another idea would be same-race fusions :o
    Like if a wizard fuses with a Blademaster, We'd get a paladin.
  • Venacious - Harshlands
    Venacious - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    melee class would be rogues, and the caster class would be Warlocks.

    We really need more variety in Melee/casters. for sure.
  • Corzac - Harshlands
    Corzac - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    First off i'd like to see more animal options for barbarians or even the ability to change their colors.
    For example animal options: Jaguar, Snow leoppard, Panther, Grizzly bear, Gorilla, BobCat, Polar bear, Rhino, Falcon, Eagle...Just to name a few that could maybe work and be fun to see in the game...

    And as far as Races we currently have:

    We can even use some creatures from the game.
    The game even has at some other races in it already that i have seen:
    (i think I saw)Centaur like creatures

    What about these as new playable races:
    Dinosapiens (dinos evolved like untamed)
    Vikings(human version of barbarians)
    Valkyries (elf version of Barbarian)

    Rides/Pets thatd be nice to see in the game:
    Wooly mammoth
    Wooly Rhino
    Saber toothed cat
    Irish deer

    Just a few ideas i had......

    I forgot to add harpies as a race....opps
    anyways what is your guys/gals opinions on it all?
  • Corzac - Harshlands
    Corzac - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    they could alway have the dwarfs,harpies,gnomes and elementals be spellcasters.
  • Sgtjoe - Lost City
    Sgtjoe - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I Think there should be a class that will give more damage and stuff for Fist fighting combat!
  • Anders - Lost City
    Anders - Lost City Posts: 325 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    I Think there should be a class that will give more damage and stuff for Fist fighting combat!

    Bm Fist build.

    I still say same race fusions would be awesome
  • bowan
    bowan Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited July 2009
    theas are the one s i thute of i think thay would work waill in th game

    an undead race : the undead are skeleton and have skeleton wings.thay are sprits that are stuck in this world damed to make up for thar past sins.thay are of both male and female and have only one class witch is necromancer! necromancers are vary powerful dark wizerds.necromances can cast spell useing aney wapon thay cuose equll t the damage shown on wapon if a magical wapon is used to cast the spell it is equll to the both amonts added togather.

    the roge race : he roge race is a mix betwen he untamed an the elf. in witch thay have simaller featchers such as thay are wide and bullkey like the nutamed aswall as short like the elf and tha have fury wings.

    Dworf race: you guyshave a human an elfand untamed but no Dworf why?

    anyways the dworf is short and fat thay have longbeards this gos for both male and female.(sorry girls in old lore dworfen weman had longer beards than the males it is sade that the males needd some thing to holed on to lol )dworfs use havey wapons suchas axes, clubs and hammers.dworfs can be all class's and have vary strong magic but thay do not know thay have it .aswal Dworfs are skilled in makeing wapons and armors.

    sorry if i spelled things wrang i have bad spelling!

    wall that wus easy i could go on if i wanted to but i am good.

    this is bowan saying stay high and ceap playing
  • Delmarte - Lost City
    Delmarte - Lost City Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'd like to think my post helped lead to the new update promised in the future, but it probably wasn't... b:cute
    If I'm here I'm bored or procrastinating. b:cute
  • espea
    espea Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    new race:Aerians
    Bird like creatures who in ancient times were called the cloud walkers for they lived on the clouds

    Aerian scout:(male & female)stealth is their best suit low attacking but their defence makes up for it

    Aerian Berserker:(male and female)polar opposites of the scouts, they rely soully on brute force, nothing more

    Aerian Peacemaker:(male and female)Able to tame animals and heal great amounts of health and mana there for reinforcements and support

    btw, these guys are like the untamed barbs, as in youd have to pick a bird head, and a set of wings, without customization its a little boreing i knowb:sad but i think it would be nice to have another flying class, and birdies are the best flyersb:laugh ,are they not??

    ps, this isnt SO easy :P
  • espea
    espea Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    I'd like to think my post helped lead to the new update promised in the future, but it probably wasn't...

    (sorry i dont know how to quote >.<) maybe it did you never know b:laughb:victoryb:pleased
  • NightSage - Lost City
    NightSage - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    bowan wrote: »
    theas are the one s i thute of i think thay would work waill in th game

    an undead race : the undead are skeleton and have skeleton wings.thay are sprits that are stuck in this world damed to make up for thar past sins.thay are of both male and female and have only one class witch is necromancer! necromancers are vary powerful dark wizerds.necromances can cast spell useing aney wapon thay cuose equll t the damage shown on wapon if a magical wapon is used to cast the spell it is equll to the both amonts added togather.

    the roge race : he roge race is a mix betwen he untamed an the elf. in witch thay have simaller featchers such as thay are wide and bullkey like the nutamed aswall as short like the elf and tha have fury wings.

    Dworf race: you guyshave a human an elfand untamed but no Dworf why?

    anyways the dworf is short and fat thay have longbeards this gos for both male and female.(sorry girls in old lore dworfen weman had longer beards than the males it is sade that the males needd some thing to holed on to lol )dworfs use havey wapons suchas axes, clubs and hammers.dworfs can be all class's and have vary strong magic but thay do not know thay have it .aswal Dworfs are skilled in makeing wapons and armors.

    sorry if i spelled things wrang i have bad spelling!

    wall that wus easy i could go on if i wanted to but i am good.

    this is bowan saying stay high and ceap playing

    what she said is actually pretty good but some of her ideas allowed the class she was telling us about had too many varieties, like all classes we need to limit their options. such as "letting them use any weapon they like" <=== if they r going to be casters let them stick to magical weapons and the name Necromancers has a good theme to it like she said the Undead fits Necromancers very good. now on to their skills, i think their skills should me "summoning. what i mean by summoning is they should be allowed to casts magical spells allowing them to create magical creatures and im not refering to venomancers cause they get to use pets, but when "Necromancers cast's a creature, that counts as one of their attacks. for example they casts a skill allowing them to create a witch that attacks their foes, something liek that. let this Necromancer class stick to something dark like wizards they stay elemental, venos stick to damage dealing spells, and other classes etc. but one problem is that a race has to have 2 classes. so the Undead <== race would fit Necromancer <== class just fine. Necromancer would count as the magical type of the Undead. every class has a magical option and a warrior option. so far all ive come up with is the magical type.
  • NightSage - Lost City
    NightSage - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    espea wrote: »
    new race:Aerians
    Bird like creatures who in ancient times were called the cloud walkers for they lived on the clouds

    Aerian scout:(male & female)stealth is their best suit low attacking but their defence makes up for it

    Aerian Berserker:(male and female)polar opposites of the scouts, they rely soully on brute force, nothing more

    Aerian Peacemaker:(male and female)Able to tame animals and heal great amounts of health and mana there for reinforcements and support

    btw, these guys are like the untamed barbs, as in youd have to pick a bird head, and a set of wings, without customization its a little boreing i knowb:sad but i think it would be nice to have another flying class, and birdies are the best flyersb:laugh ,are they not??

    ps, this isnt SO easy :P

    u sound like u have a good idea. but u just kinda copied venomancers with thei taming pets and turned it to ur own. if they r going to tame pets just be a venomancer because why have another taming pet class when theirs already one? its going to be a waiste of options when we can think of more things to do with a class
  • Tigerhammer - Heavens Tear
    Tigerhammer - Heavens Tear Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Im thinking maybe like a dragon-like race? and can fly from start, sorta like winged elves... exept not feathery mory scaly.

    They could have 2 classes:

    Dracomancer: mostly fire spells, maybe sum healing spells, and mana recovery spells.

    Pyro-swordsman: A warrior class that uses magical swords enchanted w/ fire.
    lots of threat increasing spells and fire spells some ranged some melee

    And maybe for a race they get a land mount and flying mount combined, sorta like helfire drake, exept with 1 head and bigger
  • demigirl
    demigirl Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Hi ... um iam really new to the game but please dont mind what i suggest if its sound stupid ..ok ?

    Classes Suggested :

    Samurai ( two handed katana)
    Attacker ( can use Spirtual katana magic I.E Masmune = Drain Aoe on mob
    Marsame = ( Aoe paralyze mobs )

    Ninja ( Two Katanas )
    Stealth ( Crict dmg x 10 while in stealth behind the mob ? )

    Lancer ( yes its a spear :) )

    Attacker long range ( jump at target ability if you want to add )

    with all due respect to the game as based on china myth Please do not mind about the classes below it is just a suggestion :

    Dark Knight ( Scythe Wep Debuff/Drain skills)
    STR MP DEX ( more like damage dealer )

    White Knight ( Two Hunded Wep can use heal buff /debuff)
    STR VIT MP ( More like Tanker )

    Holy Knight ( 1 handed Wep and shiled Can use heal/buff/ light magic)
    Support/attacker/ soloable

    Summoner ( yay just summon genbu suzaku byakko or seriyu ! =) )
    think that is Chinese myth gods :) of the north south west and east .

    i have more but i dont wana steal other ideas ! =)

    Note : These Classes as been seen thru out games online or offline .
  • Haden - Dreamweaver
    Haden - Dreamweaver Posts: 376 Arc User
    edited September 2009
    Well here's my idea for a race, and yes it doesnt follow Chinese myth, but, outside influences are bound to happen sometimes :)

    The Proud

    A strong race, from a distant land, proud and true, as their name would suggest. Powerful, Deadly and zealous, as they march ever forward in their conquest of new and distant plains.


    The Zealot:

    Powerful melee class able to wield Sword and shield, and lance to punish their foes. With the holy strength and Divine wisdom they cast the broken shells of their opponents down. Their armor gleams in the sun with the vibrance of white diamonds as they clash with their foes


    Berserker: For a short period of time, you lose control of yourself, slipping into a blood frenzy, your accuracy drops, you HP raises, along with defenses and attack dmg. Your Mana is constantly draining, but for each successful attack, you gain 1-5% hp/mp and a 3% increase in attack dmg. Lasts for 10 seconds

    Cast of the Proud:

    Create a barrier on you and your allies for 10 seconds covering their armor in diamonds. Increases Defenses by 150% but decreases movement speed and attack and channeling speed by 15%.

    Blood hunt:

    Impale opponent on your weapon, temporarily stunning them and causing them to bleed.

    Vicious Cycle:

    Expend all chi to cause massive damage you ones self, but all enemies in a 20 meter radius, causing you and all enemies in range to bleed for 15 seconds.

    Divine Judgement:
    Grapple an opponent and sacrifice ones own life to take the opponent with you, once attached to the opponent you and the enemy begin to bleed until both players are defeated. (can be interrupted, can be stunned, but in higher levels is much harder to stop it)

    No this class is not a barbarian nor would it be seen to replace the class, nor a blademaster. This class is more Point-target, and buff related.

    Class two:
    The anarchist:

    Using peculiar magics this class is able to call forth the powers of the underworld to do its bidding.

    Oath: Instantly recover 50% of all party members chi/mana while sacrificing 50% of your own hp.

    Culture shock: A bold of abscure energy saps targets Chi causing 50% be transferred form target to caster, then causes chi drain for th next 5 seconds.

    Defiling Grudge: Cast a poisonous dart at your opponent, causing their movement to be slowed, and poison damage for 15 seconds.

    Hatred: Sacrifice ones mp and 50% of hp to inflict massive status affects upon one target for 15 seconds (5 of any random status can appear on the opponent for 15 seconds)

    Beguiling touch: Entrance target into haulting current action and performing a different action (any other random skill can be done from your skill tree)

    Touch of ashes: Curse an opponent to have lowere mdef/pdef

    End of Days: Wreck Havoc on the surounding terrain, casting down Sulfur and fire. Causes opponents to be badly poisoned for 2 minutes, dealing large amounts of wood damage to all opponents in a 15 meter radious. consumes 200 mana ever second it is active.

    Just a thought...
    Good intentions are like peeing yourself in dark leather pants, you get warm feelings inside, but it doesn't show.